Chapter 5

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El’s POV

The next morning, I was awake by 9:00, I didn’t have the heart to wake Max up yet. So I brushed my teeth, packed some overnight clothes for both Max and I, I grabbed a set of camping bags from Dad and some bug spray. I packed some snacks and essentials before taking a quick shower. By the time I got out of the shower, I had gotten my first text from Mike, where he gave me his address and wished me a good morning. Looking over at Max, she was still sound asleep, softly snoring with her red curls of hair covering her face and softly moving with her breathing. I’ll just wake her up after I get ready. I blow dried my hair, putting it up in a high bun and I put a minimal amount of makeup. I decided on wearing Black jogging pants, a pair of gray tennis shoes, a purple tank top and as a finishing touch, I pulled Mike’s black hoodie over my head. As soon as I was completely ready, I looked at the clock which read, 10:20.

“Max” I said loudly, poking my friends side, nothing happened.

“Max!” I said louder, shaking her with force, this time she stirred.

“Let me sleep El” Max grumbled

“Not an option, get up and get ready! We are going camping remember? I let you sleep as much as you possibly could” I told Max, removing the blankets from her body.

“Fine! Fine! I’m getting up” Max huffed, dragging herself from her bed. A few minutes later, Max came out of the bathroom with her red hair pulled into a high ponytail, purple jogging pants, no makeup, black tennis shoes and a gray sweatshirt.

“Ready!” Max informed me

“Happy?” She asked and I nodded

“I packed all your stuff already, let’s go, we are supposed to be at his house around 11:00. It’s 10:40” I told Max.

I told my dad Mike’s address and he drove us over after ensuring we had all our stuff. When we arrived at Mike’s house, it was around 11:15. Max and I got out of my Dad’s car, I felt nervous, butterflies roamed my stomach and I felt like there was a weight on my chest from the anxiety. I promised Dad that I would be careful and would call him frequently, with that Max and I walked up to Mike’s doorstep. I gulped before firmly knocking and the front door, giving Max a nervous smile who squeezed my shoulder softly. I envy Max’s ability to be so calm, why can’t I be that way? An older woman answered the door, she had curly brown hair and beautiful brown eyes like Mike’s.

“Hello, i’m Mike’s mother, you must be El! My son has told me so much about you!” Mike’s mother told me and I blushed

“He has?” I asked and she just nodded

“Please, come in! We are all here preparing” She told me and we walked inside. I saw a bunch of people I didn’t know which begun to make me feel a bit frightened and anxious, but then I saw Mike. He was standing by a group of kids and was chatting away, after a minute he turned around and saw me. Mike’s eyes looked me up and down before he met my gaze, his eyes shining unbelievably bright. He waved me over and I walked over to him with a smile. His eyes and smile made me suddenly forget my previous troubles and anxious feelings.

“Hey” I said once I reached him, playing with the strings on Mike’s hoodie.

“Hey” He responded and we just looked at each other. After a few minutes of just gazing intensely at each other, Mike gulped, looking down and breaking our eye contact. He turned around to bring his friends attention.

“Hey guys!” Mike said, slightly shoving the other three in his group.

“El, these are my friends, Will, Lucas, and Dustin” Mike informed me, pointing to them as he said there names. Will was a pale, short kid with a shy demeanor and longish light brown hair. Lucas was a tall guy. Well not as tall as Mike, he had darker skin and a look that just seemed like a judgmental kind. Then there was Dustin, medium in height with a head of brown curls. He wore a hat and an adorable grin. Dustin seemed like the kind, dorky type.

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