Chapter six

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Rebecca's POV.
A knock on my trailer is heard and in walks Joaquin with Kevin and everyone else. They look around my trailer seeing it all cleaned up. I come out from around the corner making everyone but Joaquin, Jughead and Reggie jump.

"Get the hell out now" I hiss at them pointing to the door. "We need to talk" Reggie says and I sigh "no now get the hell out before I make you and you I'm so disappointed you know that" I tell them and then point to Joaquin when I say I'm disappointed.

"Escort them out now Joaquin I want nothing to do with the Northside anymore so leave me be" I say and they all sigh "fine" Reggie says making everyone's heads snap to him. "If that's what you want we will leave you alone" He says making me nod.

They leave and I slam my fist into the wall over and over again ignoring my bleeding fist. I slid down the wall and let the tears fall down my face. Casper come running out of my room and cuddles into me whining.

"I'm ok babygirl I'm ok" I tell her but she continues to whine. I let out a sob as she cuddles deeper into my side. "I messed up and I keep saying it's for the better but why does it hurt so much?" I say out loud to myself.

"Because you care for them" Toni says making my head snap to her to see her walking in alone leaving my front door cracked which I ignore. "Why are you here Toni" I ask her and she just hugs me.

"Shhh don't speak just let it all out ok" She says which makes the tears fall faster. "Why?" I ask her "why what" She says. "Why does it hurt and why do I feel like I let important people go" I ask her.

"It hurts because you care for them and you did let important people go you should have seen their faces as they rushed in the cafeteria and say you were ok" She says I chuckle "it's to late now" I say and she shakes her head.

"No it's not" She says "Toni I would like to be alone for now" I tell her and she sighs but nods. "Make sure you take care if your hand and cheek" She says and I nod. She leave and the minute the door clicks shut I slam my fist into the ground.

'I'm so stupid' I think as I look at my bleeding hand. I curl into a ball and just cry myself to sleep.

~Time skip~

Someone is shaking my body but I don't want to move. "Rebecca come on" Someone says... Wait that voice sounds like Cheryl. "Come on Rebecca wake up" This time it sounds like betty and my body is shook even more.

I crack my eyes open to see Reggie, Cheryl, Betty, Veronica, Kevin, Joaquin,  Jughead and archie all staring at me. "What are you guys doing here?" I question my voice breaking probably from crying so much. "Well toni called us concerned and we said we'd check up on you" Archie tells me and I nod.

I sit up to see my hand bandages and the blood cleaned up. Arms surround me as I'm pulled into a hug. I look up to see my brother. "You had me worried" He whispers "I'm sorry" I whisper back as I hug him. More arms surround us till everyone is hugging us.

"I'm sorry guys I'm so sorry for pushing you away and leaving so suddenly and I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused and I wouldn't be surprised if you gu-" I'm cut off by someones lips meeting mine.

My eyes open wide as I see Reggie pull back "shut up" He says "what" I say "I said shut up its fine we all forgive you" He says "did you have to kiss my sister" Joaquin says "it got her to shut up didn't it" Reggie says. "Couldn't you put your hand over her.... Never mind she would have either licked your hand or bit you" My brother says.

Reggie helps me sit on the couch. "So I'm not transferring back but you guys can visit whenever" I tell them making them nod. "Its a start" Cheryl says as she pulls something out of her bad. "Its yours if you want" She says and I look to see my vixen outfit.

"Bu-" I say but she cuts me off "no buts I don't care just get there for practice on time" She says and I nod hugging her. "I will I promise" I tell her and she smiles. 'Well mitch hopefully you are happy now' I think to myself
Words: 800
Short chapter but it's at least a chapter

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