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Hey that ABO fic is published now

Hey I'll be updating more often 😘😘

Lets go~~


Jimin and Jungkook knew each other. They also knew that they both watched Tae's live streams.

So when hey saw each other Monday morning, they knew what they had to do.

"You lucky bastard." Jimin hissed as he slapped a hand on Namjoon's desk after entering his classroom.

Namjoon jumped, and looked up at the two younger males. He was confused for a moment, before smiling slowly.

"Ah~ how so?"

"You know how so. Tell us, how was he?"

"You'll just have to wait and figure it out." Namjoon shrugged.

Jimin huffed, "Kook is he coming to sc-"

"He's not coming to school today. I told him to take the day off." Namjoon interrupted him.

"Don't interrupt me." Jimin made a face at the older. "But thanks. Oh~ I can't wait for the day that it's your turn to see me absolutely wrecking him. Worse than you did."

Jungkook smiled. He was no where near as dominant as Jimin. He was a gentle lover. He did like to degrade a bit though.


Taehyung hadn't moved from he couch since he sat on it. He hurt so bad. But he didn't regret it.

He was slightly worried though. There was a chance that his teacher could get fired.

This morning he had gone through the comments of last nights stream. Taehyung felt slightly bad, since he did say he would let sadipark on first, but things didn't happen that way. So he took it into his own hands to message the user. It took only a couple minutes to get a reply.


Hey! I know I said I'd let you on first, and I'm sorry that didn't happen. I'm up for you guest starring on the next one? Next week, though. And I'd want to meet you first, as well

Really? Of course! I'm totally up for meeting you. Where would you like to meet?

Well where do you live? Like in Seoul?

Yea I live and go to college in Seoul

How the hell can you afford to buy me so many things and you're in college???

Shh don't ask
I'm joking I have a p rich family

Ah I see. Well since you're in Seoul as well, we could meet at a cafe?

I like that

Okay so..
At the Starbucks's by Seoul uni? On Wednesday? At 4?

Works for me

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