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^^^this pic was taken at Golden hour at warped bc we were waiting for falling in reverse. I went crowd surfing and I almost got hurt bt I had fun. Also check out Kaiser Solzie there amazing and they're cool people!


Taehyung sat in his room, staring at the wall. He wanted to know who called in.

"Yoongi-hyung!" He yelled, and rubbed at his eye.

Yoongi hurried to Taehyung's room, "yes- oh baby.." as he entered the room, he noticed the younger looked as if he was about to cry.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you answer some questions for me?"

"Of course."

"Who called the police? They knew my name, and very few people who watch my stream do know it." Taehyung asked, raising an eyebrow.

Yoongi nibbled on his lip, delaying his answer.

When he did, Taehyung was shocked.

"Kim Seokjin."


"Hi.. I know it hasn't been long since the accident. I'm not completely healed yet. But I wanted to come on here and explain what went on."

Taehyung decided to do a live stream. Completely clothed, and nothing naughty today.

MrMon baby are you okay??

Sadipark how are you feeling?????

Playboi69 I hope you're not in much pain

WorldwideHandsome please be okay baby

Taehyung smiled a little, and felt tears prick his eyes. The private comment section was always so sweet.

"I'm okay, but I still have to heal some more. And my pain isn't too bad." Taehyung explained. He played with his fingers, before speaking again.

"Sadipark, I have some questions for you, so I'm gonna text you later. But I have to run to work soon, since I have to talk to my boss."




Hey Park

Sup Kim

So.. do you know anyone else who I know that watches my streams? And please don't lie..

Ah, yea

He's not gonna like the fact that I told you tho

Who is it?




Taehyung walked into the bakery, shuddering slightly. He loved it here, but recent memories dull that.

"Jin-hyung!" He yelled, since no customers were in the store.

Jin came running out of the back, a big smile on his face.

"Hi Taehyung! How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. I just have a question for you?"

Jin tilted his head, and nodded, "Sure."

Taehyung held up a finger and tapped at his phone screen, bringing up a profile on the site Taehyung livestreams on.

"Is this you?" He asked, his voice steady.

Jin looked nervous, but nodded nonetheless. "Yea. That's me."


This is short but I'm feeling a lil under the weather

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