-(10)- ~M~

14.9K 518 209

Oof so my voice was still messed up for my performance, but it wasnt terrible. My mom took a video and it shall never see the light of day :D

I'm coming at y'all with lots of love

I also failed my drivers test but I have another one next week.

I put on fake nails as I went to go type this. That makes this a million times harder because I'm giving my chrome book back today ;-;


Hair pulling
Cock ring

The first thing Jungkook saw when the stream started was Jimin and Taehyung kissing. The scenery was different as well, so he assumed they were at Jimin's house.


Jimin pressed the button to start the live as he kissed the younger male. His tongue flicked out, tracing Taehyung's lower lip, and said boy's lips opened with a small moan, and Jimin immediately deepened the kiss.

After a few minutes of that, Jimin lifted a hand, tangling it into Tae's hair, then tightening his grip, and pulling his head back, disconnecting their lips.

For a moment, he kissed Tae's neck, leaving a quick purple mark, before pushing him down.

"On your knees, slut."

Taehyung did as told, and looked up at Jimin. Gone was the cute classmate with the mochi face.

"You look so eager to have me fuck you." Jimin sneered, and squatted down so he was at Tae's level. He gripped the youngers chin, forcing his mouth open, and stuck two fingers into his mouth, chuckling. With his other hand, he reached to grab the blindfold.

"Do you want me to fuck your little boy pussy, hm?"

Taehyung's face flushed at that, but he nodded, not making a noise since he was busy sucking on Jimin's fingers.

Enjoying the innocent gaze of the younger male for a few more seconds, Jimin then pulled his fingers out his Tae's mouth, and began tying the blindfold around his eyes, tight enough so it won't slip off, and wiping the access spit from his fingers onto Tae's stomach.

Then he stood up, and walked to the table by his bed, and grabbed the handcuffs, and pulled Tae's hands behind his back, and secured them.

"Y-yes, Ji-"

Jimin quickly wrapped his hand around Tae's neck, narrowing his eyes. "You will call me Sir."

"Yes Sir." Taehyung said quietly, his voice slightly airy.

Taehyung didn't know what to think of this. All those months of the mystery man buying him toys and lingerie, controlling what happened on his streams at times, was now here, controlling what he said and did. It was surreal.

He loved it.

"Okay, my little bitch. I see that little hard-on you're sporting. You got that turned on by kissing? What a worthless little slut." Jimin sneered, and let his hand drift up to grip onto his hair.

"Good boys don't cum until after sir."


Don't worry part 2 will be up

I just.. I need some time ok

I have things to write that I have deadlines for and those need to be done soon

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