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Yesterday was fun. Suga chasing us around and stuff. But Jimin seems to be sad. I don’t know why. I wanted to ask him why but I know in public he’ll just say he’s fine.

So my plan today is to confront him. I went for a shower and quickly get dressed. Jimin sits on the living room when I went down.

“Morning” I greet him

“Morning Mel” he answered

I took some cereal bar and sit next to him.

“So.....what happen yesterday?” I ask

“What happen yesterday?” he ask back

“C’mon Jimin, you know you can’t lie to me” I said

He sighed. “At sleepover the last 2 night, when everyone’s asleep I talk with Anne” he drifted “and she kissed me”

My jaws dropped open. “W-what? But she’s Suga’s” i said

“I know. That’s why I stopped the kiss” he says

I choke on my saliva and coughed “You stopped the kiss? Not her?”

He shook his head. “Nope. I stopped it. I love her, but she’s my bestfriend’s girlfriend..bad enough I’m her first kiss, I’m not taking her away from Suga”

“I’m proud of you brother” I told him and hugged him.

“So what’s your plan today?” he ask

“Don’t know, probably kissing Jin?” i teased him

He give me deathly glare and I laughed.

“I know, I know, No kissing” I mock him

He nodded. I went back to my room to check on my phone and see no text. So I decided to clean up my room.

My phone rang and I immediately picked it up without checking the caller ID.

“Hello?” i ask

“Mel? Can I meet you?” Jung Kook says

“Koo- Jung Kook?” whoops, I shouldn’t call him Kookie anymore

“Why?” I added

“I need to talk to you about something” he says

“Fine, text me where and when” I said

“Right” and with that I hung up.

I press the speed dial button and it rang twice.

“Hello?” Jin says

“Bae!” I says

“Hey baby” he says “You missed me?” he added

“uh huh. But I need to tell you something” I told him

“What is it?” he ask

“Jung Kook called me and ask me to meet him” i told him

“Why?” he asked

“Don’t know, but it sounded important” I told him

“You want me to accompany you?” he ask

“Yes please” I said

“Alright, I’ll pick you up later baby” he says

“Thanks bae” I answered.

That afternoon, Jin picks me up and seeing his face of course makes me happy.

“I’ll wait outside later okay babe?” he says

“You’re not coming?” I pouted

He smiled and kissed my cheeks. “It sounded personal baby, I’ll just wait for you okay princess?”

“Fine” I told him, pouting.

He just smile, holding my hands and kissed it. “I Love you Melissa” he says.

I hugged him and whisper “I love you too Jin”

With that we went into the car and he drive me to the mall.

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