『ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ』

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"Oh...Surprise?" Taylor frowned. She actually knew about it for weeks but hadn't had the time to tell Joe. "Aren't you happy?" She shook her head. "No, I am. I've know for like 3 weeks now but I haven't had the time to tell you." Joe laughed it off and didn't mind because he knew how busy they both were in the past weeks. "I'm sorry." Taylor broke the silence. "No, it's okay. I'm just happy that this is happening right now. I'm so excited."

"Are you sure? I know how much you hate secrets." Joe nodded. "It's really okay, Taylor. I trust you." She smiled and said, "I love you." looking into Joe's eyes and drowning in them. "I love you too." He leaned down and kissed her. 

Taylor was always doubted by most of society. So, even though she had many friends that could've trusted her the same way as Joe does, it was only him where she felt that someone really trusted her.

A few days passed by and Taylor was discharged from the hospital. Though, they made sure they left in a secretive way to avoid attention from the public. Joe wasn't a fan of this idea but he had no choice. He knew that Taylor wouldn't want the public to know about her pregnancy. Well, not now. They left at midnight. And soon, they were back in their apartment. 

His wife was fast asleep as soon as she came in contact with their bed. Joe didn't mind and started packing. On the ride home, Taylor suggested that it would be best if they stayed in London for the remainder of her pregnancy. In that way, she wouldn't be in the spotlight much. And therefore, not many will know about her pregnancy. Joe agreed that it was a great idea. He even suggested that they bring Taylor's parents so that they would meet their grandkid as soon as possible. Taylor loved that idea.

The idea of family time made Taylor the happiest girl. Because, whenever she's with them, she feels like she was never a popstar. It truly amazes her that no matter how much people criticized her or treat her like a Queen, that never affected the way her family treats her. They just talked to her like a normal human being.

The morning came, and Taylor immediately asked her parents to stay with them in London. They agreed and soon they were all in London. Their parents thought it was gonna a celebration for their Wedding Anniversary. And that's what they had them believe before they announced her pregnancy.

The couple prepared a cake. Their original plan before she was confined in the hospital. They made one of those pull-out money cakes but instead it wrote, "due in April" in a blue to pink gradient. The cake was plain white and looked like a wedding cake with a white stick right in the middle.

At 2PM in the afternoon, they invited Taylor's Parents, Joe's Mom, and a couple of friends that were in London. Taylor encouraged them to Face time their other friends so that they would know too. They had a normal and simple celebration.

"Let's make a toast!" Taylor reached for her wine glass (filled with Sparkling Water) and said, "To a new chapter in our lives!"

"Cheers!" they said in a confusing tone. Not knowing why they had toasted to that. Some were already suspecting that she was pregnant. They just grinned and waited if she really was. "Mom's, can you pull that white stick over there? The one in the middle of the cake." They agreed and everyone screamed in joy.

Joe then shouted, "To a mini me!". Everyone laughed and toasted to it. "We still don't know what it is! Nevertheless, we will love this baby no matter what the gender."

"Cheers to that!" A friend said. They all agreed and toasted to it.

The day ended well. After the party, they decided to go to a doctor's appointment to see their baby for the first time. "I'm so excited, Joe. But, what if something's wrong?" Joe looked at his wife. Re-assuring her that nothing will go wrong. "I'm positive that nothing will go wrong."

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