『ᴘᴀʀᴛ ѕɪχ』

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"I feel weird." Taylor says, she and Joe were snuggling on the couch. "That's not a bad thing though." Taylor rolled her eyes. "No no. Like weird weird. Something doesn't feel right." She let go of the cuddle and faced Joe, making eye contact with him. "Okay then. Why don't we go to a doctor's appointment tomorrow?" She nodded.

Joe stood up and took this phone from the kitchen counter. "I'm gonna order good. What do you want?" Taylor looked at him, smiling. "Hmm. Kinda craving fries, pizza & ice cream." He nodded. She stood up and hugged Joe from behind. He smiled, looking at her from behind.

She let go of the hug and sat back down on the couch. Taylor was so excited. "I can't wait to see both of you." She smiles at her small bump. She then turned on the TV and started to watch Netflix.

An hour later, the food arrived. "Oooohhhhh. Finally!" Firstly, she placed the ice cream in the fridge for later. She placed the rest of the food on the coffee table and played a movie. It was a cold December night; so, Joe decided to grab  few blankets for them to use in the living room as they watch Netflix & eat dinner.

Before sitting back down, he turned on the Christmas Tree & the Christmas lights. "Woah." Taylor mumbled. She took her phone and took a picture. "Imagine, in a few years it's so different. There's probably screaming and they're running all around the house." She looked at him, "But right now, we're just chilling." She smiled shyly. "Our lives could change all it wants but my love to you would never change. I love you." He added, pulling her for a kiss. Instead of kissing him, she ripped a small piece of pizza. She cupped his cheeks and plopped the small piece of pizza in his mouth.

"I love me too." He mumbled, taking a piece of pizza. Taylor laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly, Taylor gasped. She placed down her pizza trying to find words. "I think I just felt one of them kick!" She was estatic. She grabbed Joe's hand and placed it on her stomach. His jaw dropped when he felt it kick once more. "That's so... weird but amazing." They both laughed.


He placed a kiss on her forehead as he tucked her in. Taylor groaned and unconscious slapped him as she turned around. He didn't mind and just turned off the lights and went to bed.

"Good morning." He says, entering the room with in-bed breakfast. Although, he opened it to Taylor on her phone, crying. He quickly placed down the food and sat on the bed to comfort her. "What's wrong?" He asked. He didn't expect an answer but, it's better that he tried. "Nothing. I just- I feel so happy with the feedback that Christmas Tree Farm has been receiving. It was such a spontaneous move but they loved it!" She wiped her tears, Joe smiled. He stood up and grabbed her breakfast.

"Well then. Here's food for you to enjoy and celebrate with. I'm so proud of you." He gave her the food, she smiled and hugged him. "Thank you."

She took a bite of the sandwich and gasped. It was a bacon cheese sandwich. "Oh my god. I haven't had one of your legendary Cheese Bacon sandwiches in forever! This is amazing." She told him. He didn't do anything but stare at her. She blushed and looked away, taking another bite of her sandwich.

"I'm gonna go get ready. The appointment's in a few hours." He leaves the room and took a bath. She nodded and took her phone out. She started scrolling and saw one specific rumor that has been going around. It was a pregnancy rumor. There were close ups of her AMAs performance that were going around. She didn't care, actually. Rumors will be rumors. They'll go around for a while and slowly die down. No one will know if it's real or not unless it's confirmed. Taylor knew that she can't hide forever. One day, they'll find out and she won't be able to do anything about it.

She let go of her phone and went down to wash her dishes. A few minutes passed and Joe was finished. "Hey. Lemme finish that for you." He says, going down the stairs. Taylor laughed and shook her hand. "I'm fine. A little work isn't gonna kill me."

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