『ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ 』

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"Uno!" Taylor screamed, putting down her 'draw 10' card (it was one of those custom cards that you can do). "Color Blue." Joe laughed collecting his 10 cards. "Okay then. Draw 4." Taylor huffed, Joe laughed once more and shook his head. "Block, block, block, back to me, back to me, draw 2." He then placed a blue card. "I- okay." She smiled, placing a block card; then a color card.

"Get ready." Joe said. He then placed two reverse cards, and a block card. "Uno, and Uno out."

"What?! Noooo!"

You see, the couple had a bet. Whoever wins gets to eat the rest of the ice cream. "You know, I'm still giving this to you because I love you." He kissed her on the forehead, giving her the ice cream. "Okay. Thank you. But can we get popcorn? I wanna have a movie night with you. We can place a ton of blankets and pillows here. We can move the couch and- ooh! A fort!! And more ice cream, and lots of fooodddddd." Her husband just laughed at her. "Okay. We can do that. Wanna come with me to the Supermarket? If you're fine with it." Taylor nodded.

Soon, they left to buy stuff. Taylor wore a oversized hoodie, and jeans.  Underneath it was two layers of clothing; because it was at least 7°C in London. The couple quietly talked to each on the way to the supermarket. They avoided walking in crowded places to avoid attention from the public.

Then, she saw a fan from afar. She knew that she was just admiring Taylor from afar because they wanted to respect her privacy. So, she looked at the fan and gestured her to come closer. The fan- who was internally freaking out, ran to Taylor. "Hi!" Taylor smiled at her. "I'm sorry if I distracted you too. I didn't want to disturb you." She exclaimed, bringing out her phone. "No worries." They took a picture together. Afterwards the fan left and they continued to walk to the supermarket.

"You know, fans like her are the ones who I'm grateful for. Some are just- I don't know. I don't know what's so hard to understand about privacy." She told him as he rubbed her shoulder, comforting her. "Let them be, babe. Fans like her sacrifice their want to meet you just to respect you."

Once they got in the supermarket, they tried to keep their cool and didn't make eye contact with others (unless needed).  Although, it didn't matter because they were the only ones in the store at the time. "What are we gonna make tonight?" Joe asked his wife, she thought for a second. "Cookies!" She said, grabbing the cookie dough for the shelf. "You know your homemade cookies are better right?" Taylor rolled her eyes, she didn't bother to make her own. "Ooh. Mac & Cheese sounds great."   She grabbed three packs of Mac & Cheese and placed it in their cart. "Okay, while you go crazy picking food, I'll get the ice cream." She didn't mind and continued on. "Don't forget my favorite!" Joe nodded from behind.

While he was gone, she got popcorn,  caramel and more chocolate. She wanted to make those Candy Popcorn stuff.


Taylor pushed the couch and placed it near the dining table, then took 10 blankets and placed them on the floor. Since it was around 7PM, she made cookies. She wanted to make Ice Cream sandwiches. Firstly, she mixed the Vanilla Ice Cream and the Brownie Chunks. It was her favorite combination. She put it back in the fridge to chill and started to prepare the Cookie Dough
Once she put the cookies in the oven, she made the Popcorn. While it was cooking, she melted the Chocolate and heated up the Caramel. She placed the Popcorn on the tray and drizzled the Caramel and Chocolate over the Popcorn then let it sit for a while. Afterwards, she made Mac & Cheese. Once the Cookies were done she let them cool then made a Ice Cream Sandwich. Meanwhile, Joe was finalizing their fort. He put tons of pillows and added fairy lights.

At 9PM, everything was ready. Joe placed their coffee table in front of the 'fort'. "What should we watch first?" Joe asked, scrolling through Hulu. "What about that?" She suggests, pointing at 'The fault in our stars'. Taylor hasn't watched it yet, and neither did Joe. So, he clicked play. Taylor leaned on her Lover's shoulder as the both watched the movie. She was eating a bowl of Mac & Cheese while Joe was eating popcorn. Keep in mind that they skipped dinner to fully experience the 'food coma' after their movie night.

"That was a predictable movie." Taylor comments, grabbing a tissue and wiping her face. "True. It's a great movie but it was very predictable."

And so, they watched another movie. And another, and another. Until they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

At around 3AM, Joe woke up. He turned off the TV and placed a blanket around his Wife. For a minute he stared at her. She was so peaceful. He decided that in the morning, he'd suggest Taylor that they have a doctor's appointment.


Taylor groaned, accidentally hitting her husband in the face. "Oh. Sorry." She giggled at her half asleep husband. "How are you awake at 6AM?" Joe asked, Taylor's head immediately looked at the clock. "Oh." She shrugged and stood up.

"Oh my god!" Taylor almost screamed. Benji- the youngest of the Itty Bitty Pretty Kitty Committee, ran to Taylor. She picked him up and they went to their room. She placed him down on their bed,   seeing herself in the mirror. She went closer and looked to see how big her baby bump was. Though, she wondered why her bump was still small. Usually if it were twins it'd be bigger. Right? But that wasn't the case. So she took a deep breath and took a bath.

Once she got out, she saw Joe in their bedroom petting Meredith. "She really loves you, huh?" He rolled his eyes at her, standing up to face his wife. Whilst drying her hair, he hugged her from behind. She couldn't help but blush.

Their eyes met as they both looked in the mirror. For a moment, they admired Taylor's bump. Still, they couldn't believe that in just a few months, they'd have two little angels in their house.

"After the appointment, do you wanna shop for baby clothes?" He suggested. "I don't know. Maybe it's too risky." She replied with. Even she wanted to experience all that 'baby shopping' stuff, she couldn't because of her social status. Her & Joe going shopping for baby stuff will become a big deal. "Okay."

He let go of the hug and took a bath. Once he got out, his wife had prepared their breakfast. Which was the leftovers from last night.

"I made the Mac & Cheese fancy." Taylor said, as Joe went down the stairs. He laughed at how extra his wife was. He kissed her on the head after getting a bowl of her Fancy Mac & Cheese. They talked for while and soon, they left for their doctor's appointment.

"Hii!" Dr. Madeline greeted. The couple sat and they started the ultrasound. "Would you like to know the gender of your babies?" She asked, the couple happily nodded. "Wait. Don't tell me yet." Taylor blurted out. Both of them were confused as to why she didn't wanna know right now. "Surprise me, Joe." She said in a very sassy tone, looking at her husband. "I- okay." He couldn't say anything because of the way she said it. "Okay. If you'll excuse us, Taylor, I'll talk to your husband outside." Taylor nodded.

A few minutes later, they both went in. Joe was smiling in glee. They continued on with the ultrasound, almost like they didn't bring it up. For a second, they only heard one heartbeat. Taylor was very anxious, so when they heard another she was relieved.

"Dr. why isn't my baby bump big yet?" Taylor asked, "Especially since I'm having twins."

"It's possible that your babies don't have much amniotic fluid or the way they're positioned in your uterus. Either way, it doesn't really matter as long as they're healthy." She nodded.

They left. The couple took seperate cars since Joe was going to buy stuff to surprise Taylor. He decided to invite their parents only. Although, he wasn't going to surprise her until her 30th birthday.

When he got home, he saw his wife playing with her cats while watching Netflix. "You know, you didn't have to interrogate me there." He said, placing down the groceries on the counter. "You liked it anyways. You were speechless." She stood up, laughing at her husband. Suddenly, ran to the couch. She grabbed her phone and played a video that she was working on.

It was one of those videos where it's a compilations of baby bump pictures. It started from Week 7 until Week 19 (which is where she is at right now). "I've always wanted to do this. And I'll do it for all pregnancies." Joe smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "When the time comes, I'll put this in my documentary." She said. Originally, she was going to release it that January. But since she was pregnant, she decided to move it to July 2021. Which is 31 months after the release of her Reputation Stadium Tour movie.

hiii.  I'm sorry this chapter is SO boring. this basically a filler chapter ig because I can't think of anything for them to do.

vote & comment and please stay home and stay safe.


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