『ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ』

529 12 18

September 9 2016
Taylor had just finished her last court case. So, she decided to go to the bar alone to celebrate the end of this. She never liked this because she had to decide based on the evidence. Joe on the other hand, was tired. He went to the bar to hang out. It was also his last court case in this state. He was gonna go back to London for a week and he'll be back in the USA.

He sat beside Taylor. Although, he didn't recognize her at all. Taylor did. "Hey, aren't you the lawyer from awhile ago?" He laughed and nodded. "Ah, so you're the judge. Nice to meet you." They shook hands. "I'm Taylor. And I assume you're Joe Alwyn?" He nodded again.

They talked for awhile. "Shit, really? That sucks." She said. Joe told her about that one case he had where his client sued her husband for child abuse. When in reality she was mentally ill and was the one who physically abused their daughter. That was one of the worst cases that Joe has had. Taylor then told her worst one. The guy was trying to get full custody of their 1 year old child. And he kept implying that the mother was never ready but he was. It took them like 3 months for it. In the end, the mother got full custody and filed a restraining order against him.

They ended the night with exchanging each other phone numbers. "Thanks. I guess I'll talk to you later?" Joe said. Taylor laughed. "Wait. I have to ask you something. More like a favor." They both sat down again.

Taylor asked him to keep all these a secret. Joe understood knowing she was a global superstar and respected her favor. "Sure. I don't mind."

They said their goodbyes and they went home. Taylor kept daydreaming of him. Thinking that maybe he was the one. She didn't rush their relationship and let faith do it work instead. She also didn't keep her hopes up. But she couldn't help but think that he really was the one.

Joe for sure felt the same. Although, he didn't know how to act around her with all these feelings. He decided to extend his next stay in NYC to get closer with Taylor.

Taylor informed Tree Paine, her publicist about him. She wanted to make sure he was as trustworthy as he looked. At the same time, She and Joe were talking still.

Joe wanted to know more about her. He thought about searching her up but decided not to. He wanted to know the real Taylor. Not from the tabloids, the fans, but Taylor herself. He also didn't want the articles about her affect the way he looked or acted around her.

Two weeks passed by and the two were reunited. They were inseparable. Almost like they knew each other for years. "No way, oh my god." She said, reacting to Joe's story. "I'm so sorry. You guys don't deserve him. But, I do hope your brother is okay." He just smiled at her. "I still look forward to the day that we will get the justice that we deserve. And I can't wait." He had tears in his eyes

"It'll happen soon. We just have to believe that he is safe right now." Taylor held his hands. "I-" She shook her head. She was about to say 'I love you' but didn't. It was too soon in her opinion.

It was suddenly silent. Both of them didn't know what to say. "Taylor, I need to tell you something." Joe says, breaking the awkward silence between them. "What is it?" He smiled at the thought.

"Taylor, I like you. Not because you're famous or whatever. But because you're one of the most beautiful and pure woman that I've ever met." Taylor was starstruck. She didn't know what to say.

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