『ᴘᴀʀᴛ ғɪᴠᴇ』

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"Ooh. That's a great name. I love it." She told him, typing it in her phone. "I've thought of Elise. It's a really nice and beautiful name." For a moment she played around with the names that they like. Afterwards, she told him. "Wow. I think they're perfect."

"By the way." He left their bed and grabbed a paper bag. He gave it to her as a Birthday Gift. "It isn't much. But, it's something that I know you'll love."

Inside was one of those scrapbooks. When she opened it, there were pictures and labels. Half of it was filled with notes & pictures, while half was empty. But, that one half was their story. A picture of when they had their first date with two notes- one for how they met, and the other for how their first date went. The next page was how Joe proposed to Taylor. After that it was two pages for their wedding. And the last page was her pregnancy.

For the last 3 years, He had been keeping notes and pictures of them for that specific reason.

"One day, when our children ask- "How did you and Mommy meet?" or "What's your love story?", we can show them this." At that point, she was in tears. She loved how thoughtful her husband was.

"I love it so much." She sniffed. She placed it down and kissed her husband on the lips. "Thank you. I love you."


"Look! This one's really cute." She said, pointing at a certain Ornament. "This'll do, I guess." She said, placing the set of ornaments in the cart. It was a few days after her birthday. They continued on their Christmas Shopping, getting a few gifts here and there.

Hours later, the couple finally finished their Christmas Shopping. They placed it in their car and drove to look at a house that they've been eyeing for a while.

It was a medium sized house; four bedrooms, & two bathrooms. It had a small backyard, and a rooftop. There was a school nearby, and a playground. It was a small neighborhood. So, it was perfect for them. Mind you that this was the fifth house that they've looked at. So far, this is the one that they really liked. It was very spacious and clean looking.

"I think this is the one that I really like. It perfect." Taylor said, Joe very much agreed. "I can imagine how much we will enjoy it here." He added, rubbing her shoulder. Soon, they bought the house. It was going to take a while; But, they were set on where they were going to live.

They left and drove to a baby store. It was quite far from the house though
Taylor asked if the manager was willing willing to close the shop just for them. The Manager agreed and promised to keep it confidential (p.s. The Manager was a fan of Taylor). So, when they got there, the shop was completely covered in newspaper. They made it seem like they were re-decorating the store for Christmas.

When they got there, they made sure that no one was there to see them go in the store.

"Wow!" Taylor immediately ran to the baby clothes aisle, admiring the fact that the clothes were so small. Meanwhile, Joe grabbed a cart, knowing that his wife couldn't resist in buying lots of stuff for their children. "They're so small! It's so cute." Taylor tells Joe. He just laughed. It was pretty cute though.

They ended up buying lots of clothing. They didn't buy such things like cribs & car seats for that reason. Afterwards, they bought food and went home.


"You're silly." The child told her Father, who made quite a dirty joke. Taylor rolled her eyes at Joe, not surprised that the child understood. Since, she accidentally  watched 'Fifty Shades of Grey' trying to distract herself from her Parent screams while fighting. They were playing a board game during their Movie Night. It has become a tradition every First Saturday of the Month.

"Joe! It's your turn." Taylor laughed, nudging her husband as he was occupied with whatever was on his phone. He looked at Taylor with this look at his face. She knew what this face meant. Which was 'Actually I need to go. But, I'll make it up to you.' face. She rolled her eyes once more. "Ah. A six." He moved his piece and they moved on.

Once their child was asleep, they didn't talk. Since they slept in the living room during Movie Nights, she (their child) was right there to hear them argue. Again. Instead, Taylor went to the balcony to breathe.

She was so sick of Joe constantly their daughter down. To the point where the child would wish that he'd stay for a longer period of time with them. It saddened Taylor.

Joe went to the balcony aswell, to comfort his wife. "Tell me. What was so important on your phone that you opted to leave?" Taylor says, breaking the silence between her and Joe. "It's not important." He answers, walking out the room. She scoffed at him. She wasn't surprised at all.

She burst into tears. Taylor never understood why they fell out of love. There were so many times when she wanted to end it all. She'd get a divorce and hide her from him. But, she didn't. She chose to stay for the sake of their daughter. She knew that in her little heart, she still had hope that her parents will make things alright.


"Taylor, baby, we're home." He tapped her leg, parking the car in front of their apartment. The car ride home was pretty long. So, it's no surprise that Taylor fell asleep. She knocked herself out while shopping all day. She then realized that Joe woke her up from the car door. When she looked back, it was empty. Meaning he had probably brought in all the stuff already. "Oh." She just said. Taylor felt a little guilty for not helping him.

"Sorry for not helping you." She said, as they walked in their apartment. He shook his head saying, "It's no big deal."

They sat down on their table and ate their food. They talked about baby names and finalized it. Taylor stood JP and watched her hands. "Julianna & Elise. I love it." She whispered, he hugged her from behind and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you." He said, looking into her eyes and drowning in them. She blushed saying, "I love you too."

hi hello
this is a lil short but I bet it's longer on the next one 👀
anyways, I hope u all read the repost one yk. ik i said smth about it being important here but😳 anyways. it will be in the next chapter i promise.

stay safe & wash yo handsss

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