3~ Keith

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I'd been sent to patrol the surrounding forestry once again, which I wasn't to pleased about.

Wether Shiro saw me as an asset to the pack or not, his excluding of me from events like hunting and play fighting were unjust. I respected him, on levels I could not explain nor understand, but if he's only going to use us Selsa's as a way to guard the border and create free time for himself and his Beta's, then I'd rather become a lone wolf. My respect for him, wasn't because of the Alpha's dominance, but because of his commitment to my upbringing, and the undeniable struggle in which he had to endure to provide me with a sustainable, educated life. Because of this, I had to protect him when needed, support him when I saw fit, be a brother or a friend when he so desired, because of how much he'd put in to my survival. Even when our late Alpha stated that me and my Mother be killed, due to my half human state and for her choice to keep me alive, Shiro pleaded with him that I be kept apart if this pack, that he'll raise me and make a warrior out of me. I couldn't be sure if Shiro could keep his word, with everyone being aware of my unnatural shortness, but he could try. Sending me out to watch the grounds around our pack wasn't going to help him with that achievement. I wouldn't dislike guarding our pack if it wasn't so boring. Yes, it was beautiful, the scenery, but I'd rather be with the rest of the wolves, playing around and doing whatever I pleased. Building up my strength, play fighting, sleeping, whatever. How did Shiro expect me to know the ways of an Alpha if I had no experience in the field of work.

Being so caught up in my own, frustrated thoughts, I hadn't noticed the tall but thin Werewolf whom had positioned himself beside me. He was unpopular, a year older than me and a Delta, even with him being related to the late Alpha, his son, to be exact. It was funny, with the whole pack being completely aware of this Werewolf's mother, a Witch, essentially making him a half-breed like myself, his blood relation didn't matter. Any wolf couldn't care less about the concept of his parents, it all depended on his strength, and seeing that Shiro was the mightiest out of all the wolves, this little half-breed had no chance. Though, even if it was a rare occasion, when he was in his human form he was still very tall, more so than Shiro and it wasn't like he didn't express this. Strength would ripple from under his decently tan skin and his body was definitely more defined that the usual Werewolf's. In this form, his hair was platinum blonde, very long and was kept at an immaculate state, usually tied up in a half bun whilst the rest was left to breathe. As a wolf, he was thin, considerably so that nearly all of his ribs were visible, but his fur was cotton soft. Silvery grey, tinged with a light, lavender purple, it was considerably healthy compared to the norm of Werewolf pelts and, seeing its unnatural length, covered his whole body. He had no spots or markings, his coat was one, pure colour, along with his sharp claws and teeth, which looked almost bleach white. His eyes, though, were a different story all together. They were a deep, indigo pigment, and around the iris', his eyes were an entrancing,captivating yellow. He rarely looked up at other wolves, yet when he did, their eyes would widen and their ears would perk up in interest because this Werewolf produced and expressed so much emotion within just one blink.

"You look unbelievably bored." He stated with limited care.

"I am." I huffed.

The Werewolf scoffed. "Oh,thanks for asking, Lotor! It's nice seeing you!" He had begun."It's all good, Keith, glad to be here!"

I chuckled. "Sorry,sorry, thank you Lotor, for coming over and talking to me even though you CLEARLY don't want to."

Lotor stepped in front to face me, scratching his paws into the earth and arching down, so that his rear lay exposed in the air whilst his tail wagged. His ears were perked and his tongue lay limp from his mouth, playfully.

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