6~ Lance

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I glare slightly as I watch Keith and Lotor run back into the trees. As soon as Keith started acting weird, the scent came back. Vanilla, dog, trees and dirt. This strange feeling went over me as well, like I need to do something. I just couldn't place what it was. I lose sight of Lotor's furry hindquarters, Pidge starts cackling loudly. We all turn to the smaller girl.

"Oh please tell me I wasn't the only one?" She readjusts her glasses.

"Only one who what?" Hunk asks.

She rolls her eyes and Matt clicks his fingers.

"Oh I get you." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I feel my eyes go wide.

I look at the siblings then glance at Hunk for help. He looks as confused as I am. The only thing that either of them could of picked up was that weird scent but that had nothing to do with me.

"What? Pidge tell me or I'll tickle Linchol."

"You tickle my dam ferret you die." She points her fingers at me, they glow a faint green.

"Just tell me please. I don't get it."

Matt whispers to Hunk and he laughs.

"Oh so you tell him but not me. Hunk my best friend ever, please tell me." I groan.

"I've sworn not to." He giggles.

I groan and slide down against the door. Staying on the floor I glare up at them.

"Come on Lance we should get back." Hunk holds out a hand to me.

I use him to pull myself up. Pidge gives me a hug to say goodbye, she how I think of her. Also of how much I miss my family. Matt doesn't do hugs so we settle with a hand shake. Hunk hugs Pidge and hi fives Matt after I'm done. I make a small chitter noise to acknowledge Linchol still chillin in the flowers. His small nose pokes out and bobs up and down. We walk into the night and start heading towards the Academy. Hunk turns onto his phone to scroll through the town updates.

"Anything interesting?" I ask.

"Not yet. Lost dog, kittens for sale, a war hero moved into the retirement village, wolves sightings going crazy, of course we know why, and the old house in the corner is being knocked down."

"One, poor dog. Two, Aww. Three, who are they. Four, don't care. Five, good riddance."

"Ummm the war hero. Vietnamese war, he rescued a fellow soldier from a mine field, almost lost his leg, blind in on eye." He starts mumbling his achievements.

"I just want his name not his life story. I could know him." I smirk.

He mumbles the information and taps at his screen.

"His name is literally in the first paragraph. Now I feel stupid. Nicolás McClain born in 1955 so maybe not."

I choke on the air.

"That's Nico! My little- oh god. Está vivo. Oh hombre. Tal vez Faith y Louis todavía están vivos" I laugh, feeling tears forming.

"Lance, how do you know him?"

"Hunk he's my little brother. Yet I look younger than him. I have to go see him. Maybe I can find out about Gabrielle and Marco and Rowan and Veronica and Faith and Louis." I grab his shoulders.

"Calm down buddy. You can't just waltz in and go 'Hey I'm here to see Nicolás McClain, I'm his older brother who got turned into a vampire.'" He puts on a stupid voice to intimidate me.

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