Chapter 1: Day before the battle

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The steel blades clashed against each other. A tall knight with the darkest black of hair laughed and corrected his stance. A smirk spread on his narrow face as he looked at his opponent.

"You've gotten better at strength finally, sir Overland," the knight said as he pushed the slender young man back.

Sir Overland stood back straight again and lifted up the lid of his steel helmet. He had that mischievous smile on his face, his brown eyes were having that playful glim in them. Then he bowed like he was mocking his opponent, it was the bow of ballerinas with one leg stepped over another and his arms spread to sides as he did the graceful looking posture.

"Why thank you sir Pitchiner," sir Overland cheered.

Sir Pitchiner raised his eyebrow and reached his practice sword at the young man. He easily shook Sir Overland's balance and caused him to fall on the ground. They both look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

Just when sir Pitchiner reached his slender fingers towards sir Overland to give him a hand he saw how someone rushed past him, her long eben black hair shimmered in the sunlight. Now he watched how she knelt next to sir Overland, hugging him. Sir Pitchiner crossed his arms and looked at the two smiling.

"Daddy! You're too harsh on Jack!" the girl snapped sassily. Her golden brown eyes were as stubborn as always.

"Emily Jane, you know that we have to practice to keep in shape for tomorrow," Sir Pitchiner said and smiled to his daughter who was the most beautiful girl in the whole village.

"Yeah, we were just having a couple of swings, " Jack chuckled and got up with her help.

They had known each other since childhood. Growing up by playing and racing with each other, always causing worry to their parents. Some even believed that they would marry someday, even Sir Pitchiner did.

Jack being as clueless as always didn't notice her fair hand resting on his chest and how her eyes were full of softness as she watched his laughing face.

"Well, we will meet up at the hour of battle tomorrow Jackson Overland. The kingdom of Burgess believes in their knights and troops to keep the enemy from reaching the gates of the castle," Sir Pitchiner said and bowed to Jack before leaving.

"Finally. Okay, take that armor off," Emily Jane giggled and took the helmet off from Jack's head. She ruffled Jack's brown hair.

"Hey!" Jack chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, smiling slyly as she was taking his breastplate off.

"I am just helping you! This thing is darn heavy," Emily Jane huffed and placed the breastplate on the ground where the smith could pick it up for maintenance before the big battle.

"Okay EJ, so...why are we in a hurry?" Jack wondered and stretched out before grabbing a stick with G-shaped end from the ground. Ever since a child he had had it, he used it to jump over trenches and in training.

"Well we agreed to play at the big oak today, you never know what tomorrow could bring!" She smiled and raised to her toes to poke Jack to nose.

"Hmm...that's true but aren't you" Jack grinned while they were walking, he reached towards the ground and was about to pick up a flower for her but she grabbed his muscular but still slender arm.

"Yeah, and you're 21 but you still love to play by that oak...and you should leave good things to grow. I will remember you each time that I see a flower like that..isn't that enough? You don't need to take its life away," Emily Jane smiled and felt happy when Jack nodded and smiled back at her.

" will get on the hill first!" Jack cheered and started to run towards the hilltop where the oak was spreading its branches over the view of the village and the kingdom behind it.

She started to run after Jack, she was fast but not as fast as him. She giggled when Jack hopped over a trench with the help of his staff and then he climbed on the oak tree. She used a tiny bridge that they had made from a board to cross the trench when they were kids and going there for the first time.

"You are fast as the wind Jack!" Emily Jane cheered and panted, her smile was bright like the evening sun that was painting the sky in vivid colors of red.

"Thanks, come and watch the sunset like we scheduled," Jack chuckled and sat on a thick branch.

Emily Jane raised her eyebrow when Jack swung himself to hang upside down as he gave his hand. "Climb!" Jack cheered and started to pull her up, he hastily looked away when she used him like a rope.

It had felt different lately, hanging out together. And now he noticed how she was wearing a skirt for the first time on their hanging out time.

She had enjoyed Jack's embrace as he helped her up, both of them had felt the change that was happening between them. As kids they were able to swim together with just underwear on but little by she started to wear shorts and shirt while swimming. Soon she was just watching Jack swimming from the shore of the river. They both were growing up.

"Jack," Emily Jane spoke while they were looking at the sunset.

"Mm?" Jack hummed in his thoughts, his mind was already in tomorrow. This would be third war which he would take part in.

He had many achievements, in this war he would be a knight for the first time. In last war in other country he had saved the king. Every man was supposed to serve in the royal troops from ages 17 to 25, knights were supposed to serve longer because of them being the ones to lead others.

"I am 18 now," Emily Jane said quietly and placed her hand on Jack's . She moved a bit closer to him.

"Right! Happy birthday again," Jack exhaled and smiled as he turned to look at her and their eyes met.

"I should marry soon... I've waited for a year for certain someone...what should I do Jack?" Emily Jane wondered and kept looking at him.

"Oh... umm... you have someone? Well.. if he's that stupid and won't do something already - then just confess and tell that sir Overland will take you if he's that kind of coward. That should move his lazy butt!" Jack laughed a lot to his cunning plot.

He laughed so much that he had to wipe few tears away from the corners of his eyes.

"Jack," Emily Jane said seriously and Jack quieted down.

"Yup?" Jack said and cleared his throat.

"I want to do it ok, really?" Her voice was so full of concern that Jack was moved by it. He smiled reassuringly and nodded.

That's when his world changed.

Suddenly Emily Jane took his hand and looked straight into his eyes, "Jack... I love you."

She kissed Jack on cheek after that and let go of his hand. Jack placed his fingers on the spot where he still felt her kiss.

"EJ...Emily...Jane..." Jack mumbled in confusion but she hushed him by placing her fingertips on his lips. She leaned closer to him, reaching out to whisper.

"Let's meet under this oak tree tomorrow at noon... I want your response then... Jack," Emily Jane whispered to Jack's ear and smiled to him before she hopped down from the tree.

She looked over her shoulder as the sun was almost set. Then she waved her hand to dumbfounded Jack who slowly waved back.

Emily Jane laughed and then ran over the wooden plank bridge . Jack sat on the tree until there was just dark night left.


New story...yeyy!

This one will probably have more frequent updates since I have the whole plot planned out unlike my hospital book which I started when my mind...well... I don't remember much about the whole book and I should read it through to continue it xD . To give it a proper ending..

I just love this idea, thanks for a friend to hint me about making Jack into a warrior <3

Picture is from devianart. Credits to the artist; HACKproductions.

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