Chapter 7: Who is the real demon?

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POV Jack

I thought that I had seen a lot of bizarre things but when I first arrived to Hiccups village, it was sure something. Wherever I looked at, there were dragons -from really small ones and then to really big ones. I had never seen anything like it.

At first I couldn't really trust the people around here. It was like there was something in them that made me feel unsafe. Well, there were big men everywhere and things like axes and swords. And these people loved fighting with each other.

There was one place though, where I liked spending time. It was this big tree on the outskirts of the village. I really can't tell why but it reminded me of something old, maybe something that I really can't get back to.

"Glooming around again? Hmm... no wonder Hiccup likes chatting with you," Astrid's voice laughed and I glance down. She was standing under the tree branch with her hands on her hips.

I hop down and grab my staff and the sword which Merida gave me so long ago, I tie the sword around my waist and then I start walking beside Astrid.

"I was not being gloomy," I huff and frown.

"As you say," Astrid giggles and as the morning rises we go to the place where Hiccup and his friends train the dragons. The place was like a cage.

"Nice for you two to join. The sun has been up for one minute already. Didn't I say clearly that I needed everyone at sun rise?" Hiccup laughs and his shoulders really shake and I can see how Astrid looks at him.

Love. I can't really understand what that is but these two were engaged.

"Where are we going?" Fishlegs questions and pets his dragon. There was a baby dragon circling around him as usual.

"Well of course we are going to check out the newest island which we found before," Hiccup explains and shows us a map.

"I am not sure that it really is an island though" Astrid hums and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Well, it might be something else but we really need to check it out," Hiccup states "There might be new dragons in need of safe harbour."

"Shouldn't you stay in your village and guard it?" Astrid points out and everyone seems quiet for a while.

"No, uh... Berk is really a safe place" Hiccup hums and rubs his neck, "ah I trust people in Berk."

"Fine," Astrid huffs as she wasn't listened again.

Everyone knew that when Hiccup got something into his head, he wanted to pull it through. Even if the situation seemed bad, he found a way to solve it. That's what I had heard.

"So we will leave in an hour, get your things packed. I already have my bag, right buddy?" Hiccup cheered to his dragon.

I chuckle when Toothless makes a displeased sound and turns around, showing the full bags tied on his sides. He shakes his body and few items fall off, leaving the dragon much happier.

Everyone dodged the items that flew out from the bags. A frying pan flew past my head.

"Umm.. I guess that we don't need to fry fish today, well lets roast it on open fire," Hiccup chuckles and goes to pet his dragon.

"I can't believe that we have to skip breakfast for another stupid adventure,"Snotlout whined as he climbed on his dragon, taking a hold of the big horns of the dragons head and leaving.

The twins argued as usual as they went on their way. Only Fishlegs seemed truly excited about this. I guess that they were getting tired of going to find new places.

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