I'll see you on the other side

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My very dear, readers

I had to wait a day to tell you this since I don't want you to take this as a joke.

It isn't a bad thing but I do not enjoy what I am going to tell you.

I'll be gone for awhile.

Not for very long, don't worry.

I didn't want to wait until the very last moment to tell you this so...yeah!

I'm going to Austria with my school. I'll be gone for 13 days. And I don't feel like I should get emotional but...that's half a month almost and I'm pretty sad because...I love you guys so much and I really would like to write there but I don't think I can.

So this'll probably be the longest time I will be off wattpad and this may not seem like a big deal to you but I'm devastated.

Add the fact that I'm homesick very quickly and you have an evil author crying at night for 12 nights straight.

So I will be leaving this Friday (8 pm) and coming back that following Saturday (7:30 pm). But I'm counting Sunday as a sleep day so I can't write then and Wednesday and Thursday I'll be gone. So I'm just rounding the days up.

So that from the 4th of April to the 15th of April.

I will try to write Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Yet again, you may think it's not that big of a deal but I'll repeat:

"This is the first time I'll be gone from Wattpad for 2 weeks."

I didn't want to post this on Friday because you guys deserve better than that.

From your probably not favourite author


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