Authors Note

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Okay so in the last chapter Elissa has some changes in her personality. She isn't as hyper as she used to be as the new her is now more clam and more calculated than her old self.

You see when she was young she acted really like a doll. She would only read books throughout he whole day not playing with other kids. She would let the kids dress her up like what they would do to a doll but even so she just stayed silent until she needs to speak or if she wants to but those both rarely happens as at an early young age she was very different from the rest of the kids

She was smart very smart for her age which made kids distant themselves more since others can't either get what she was saying or if the others are just jealous.

As for her being all happy in the first chapter it was at that time she met 'him' where 'he' changed her to be this very outgoing, hyper, cheerful, crazy fun girl where everybody loved her even 'he' *ahem*

So anyway more less she had a new self which was very different from her other self. Although because of an accident she continued to be the girl that 'he' helped create that is until she felt her other self which was the doll like one and her other self the childish crazy happy one combine into a single self.

She doesn't feel empty like her previous doll self and she doesn't feel anything missing like her crazy fun girl self now she was WHOLE/COMPLETE

She may still act like a doll but she will act like a doll with a meaning, with a purpose and with emotions and spirit not all empty.

She may look and again act like a doll but she will be more approachable to others and gain more friends she may also act like she wants to be spoilt sometimes

This new her is the complete her.

So if you get confused I hope you now know the reason why and don't worry! In the future chapters she will tell her story to Lulu and I'll also write a few chapters of her past as she walks through memory lane so there might be like 3 chapters in the future where you will all see what she had go through as a child


Also after every 2 days I will at least update 2 chapters! Yeah... I changed the updating schedule...

Yeah sorry if I change a lot of things I will be going somewhere for summer break so I need to change my schedule

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