Chapter 14: My past {part 1}

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⚠️Please be warned that the following may be seen as inappropriate⚠️
⚠️Please be advised that you must be reading towards your own convenience⚠️
⚠️I will not be held against any blame for what will happen when you read this⚠️


The sounds of glass shattering echoed throughout the room as a woman held a small child in her hands ruthlessly slapping her and shaking her violently

"YOUR USELESS DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" She raised her hand up high again as she continued to slap her finally taking a shard of glass

"Your the spawn of the devil I tell you!" She screamed as she raised the glass shard high getting ready to strike before a firm yet slender hands stops hers

"What are you doing?" A voice echoed, it sounded gentle and warm yet it felt cold and dangerous

"I-I.... IM KILLING A DEMONS SPAWN! THATS WHAT IM DOING!" The woman shuttered before screaming but the hand never lets itself go

"But she's YOUR child that YOU bore" the voice said as it pulls the woman's arms away from the little girl hugging her into his warm embrace

"If your gonna blame someone blame yourself" the boy said ruthlessly yet it sounded gentle again

"Grrr.... SO YOUR NOW SEDUCING OTHER POEPLE?! IS THAT YOUR NEW JOB NOW?! HUH?!SLUT?!" The woman screamed again as the boy walked away with the little girl in his arms

"Shh... it's fine now Alice... you can cry now" the boys gentle voice echoed into her ears and then finally the low cries of a little girl can be heard

The two sat under a cherry blossom tree with the little girl still in the boys warm embrace "I'm sorry I didn't got there sooner..." he said in guilt

"It's fine, your here with me now... and that's all I want" Alice finally spoke up as she snuggled into his embrace "as long as your here I'll be fine.." she said happily with a smile on her face

"Even though they hurt you, you still can't get yourself to hate them can't you?" The boy asked as he chucked at what she did snuggling her back

"Of course I can't... they are still my parents after all..." tears starts falling down her face "but... they were scary... very... they aren't the same mommy and daddy I used to see... I used to be with and I'm scared of that the most..." she starts crying up again as the boy gently gave her a kiss on the head as he rubbed her back gently hugging her tighter

"Don't worry my little Alice you'll be happy soon.. I promise you" he gently raised up her little head to have her eyes watch his "I promise you we will be together... forever kay?" He gently smiled at her again as the wind blowing with the petals falling and swimming with the wind

He gently wiped her tears away before giving her a peck on her forehead then resting his head on hers "I definitely promise you that we will be together forever happy!" He laughed as Alice too laughed along with him

The scene they had was sweet and heartwarming just like those of a siblings would have not as lovers but all that shattered the following day by Alice's own father

"No... NO!" Alice screamed as she tried to push the man hovering over her "Don't do this daddy!"

Her arms were held up against her head as a rough and huge hands slithered over her small and petite body touching her small slender legs then to her stomach "your daddy's little girl right~?" The man asked licking his lips with delight as he imagined himself ravaging her

Reincarnated as a fox?! (THIS IS CANCELLED BUT IM MAKING A NEW ONE)Where stories live. Discover now