Chapter 16: now you know

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Elissa's POV

"Now you know" I said nonchalantly as I continued to read my book

"Don't you feel sad of terrified when you told me this?" Lulu asked his hands shaking as he held mine

"I was scared after all it did happen to me... but even if I was scared now it wont change the fact that it did happen... what would change if I felt sad and scared now"

"... I...i..." Lulu tried to respond back but I stopped him after all he can't even respond, he don't know what to respond to be honest

"It's fine..." I rare smile plastered on my doll like face as I clasped my hands within his "your here with me so o have nothing to fear..."


"Ye-hm?!" I felt a soft yet cold and wet object hit my lips "hm.." Lulu... my Lulu he... kissed me...

*thump* *thump*

What... is this feeling I feel... my chest...

*thump* *thump* *thump*

"" I tried to stop Lulu after all I didn't know what I felt and why I felt this way

"Hmm..." he continued to kiss me gently yet hungrily as his tongue wildly let's itself wonder into my mouth "you taste so sweet my wife..." Lulu whispered for a moment as he then continued kissing me

After a I felt that I was needing air that was the time he stopped with a thin silvery line of our saliva on both of our lips showing what we have done

"L-lulu..." I shuttered

What was this feeling I felt? It felt so... weird by it made me happy and joyful...

"Elissa... no my wife remember this... you are mine and mine alone and no can change that fact even you... no one can take you away and no one gets to hurt you" 'unless it's you gasping in pleasure beneath me when we join together as one and as I take away your first that's the time you can get hurt' was what Lulu wanted to add but didn't

I just unconsciously nod after all I didn't know what to do... I was so confused and my emotions running wild

My face blushed bright red at what we've done but he only seem to chuckle "haha... my wife is adorable... I can't wait to finally have you fully mine... both soul and... body"

Lulu gently took away the book in my hands and placed them on the bedside table with him going into my bed and laying me in top of him, I lay on his warm chest giving me a safe feeling as he covered both of us with the blanket "sleep my love... tomorrow we will start making our own happy memories I'm sure you'll never forget.." he said with a smile

I unconsciously nod again still blushing though I have a poker face on my face still had a small crack of embarrassment "night love..." he kissed my head gently as he brushed my hair with his slender fingers

My eyes slowly started to drop with my breathing going into a rhythmic rhythm indicating that I had fallen asleep


HELLO YALL I MISSED YALL I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER!!! Oh and I might add some special chapters since I'm thinking on making around 50 chapters of this since I'm working on another story

And my special I mean the sexy times ;3

Both fxm and bxb


And I might also add fxf with Katie by I don't who yet


Jack x Amy

Amy x Katie

Also fun fact jack and Amy are bisexual so they are okay for both sexes while Katie is a lesbian

I can also do a

Jack x nexus

And nexus is jacks familiar or spiritual contracted pet

And yes this will be possible

Because I also say so and because why not

Also in the new story I'll be making I will add a master x familiar love fufufu

Anyhow comment down on which ship you like best

Jack x Amy

Amy x Katie

Jack x nexus

And no Katie x jack!! No no no!!! Or nexus x Amy because Amy wont be able to handle nexus being an ass NO MEANS NO MAH DUDES

Reincarnated as a fox?! (THIS IS CANCELLED BUT IM MAKING A NEW ONE)Where stories live. Discover now