Chapter 13: Who is she really?

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Narrator's POV

"She's a very unique girl" Rosemary the female elf said towards the group of people who sat in front of the circle table

Just like the table from King Arthur :p

"We've been watching her for 2 weeks now and she has quite changed drastically from being the hyper fox to a now calm doll..." Amy said sketching some new clothing designs in her sketch booklet

"That lil fox really is weird... she may act happy and full of emotions but it's almost as if she's imitating others emotions... but her eyes betray her, she's empty and very much hallow more so than void itself" Nexus said the weird dude guy from the last chapter said nonchalantly playing with his pocket knife

"Don't tell me your thinking she's really nothing more than a doll..." Jack said the knight as he looked over at Nexus sighing

"It's a maybe, she may be nothing more than a puppet created by that woman or one of that woman's bloodline" Nexus replied still playing with his knife

Wtf why is he like an emo kid??? -.- ....

"..." Lulu still kept himself silent and outcasted from the group still rewinding those past 2 weeks he had spent with her and matching them with the first time he had met her

She was different very different from what she was from the first time to now...

"Then if you all are so conflicted on who she really is then why not ask her yourselves?" Rosemary said still sipping her tea

"I don't think she would tell us after all all of use already tried to ask her but she either ignores them or changes the topic to something else" Amy said sighing "honestly I'm kind of worried for her..."

"Well... not 'everyone' has asked her yet..." she puts down her cup gently onto the table and looks over at Lulu whom had kept himself silent and to himself in his own little world of... well himself

...what is this chapter... emo chapter??? ಠ_ಠ

Now everyone in the room looked directly at Lulu while Lulu looked at them back "..."

"..." Amy

"..." Jack

"..." Nexus

"Well?" Rosemary asked

"... fine" Lulu stood up and walked away leaving the room with the rest still inside

"GET ME A BALL!!! GET ME A MAGIC BALL NOW!" Amy slammed her hand down onto the table and Jack quickly stood up and ran them coming back with a magic ball "here!" is this like... wtf... so AmyXJack...? -_____-

"Thanks!" She quickly grabbed the ball and placed in her mana in it and the image of Lulu inside Elissa's room appears and their voices can be heard

Elissa's POV

Oh Lulu is here... I wonder why has he come her and meet me

"Hello Lulu, how may I help you?" I gave a slight smile but not enough to be seen unless you have very keen senses

He slowly walked towards me and sat as the side of my bed slowly caressing my head "you've changed a lot" he said

"Is it bad?" I asked but he just shook his head

"No but I'm curious on why... will you believe me enough to tell me?" He asked me as he stopped petting me and he gently grabbed both my hand with his large warm ones looking at me straight in the eyes full of sorrow and pain... did I do this to him?


My heart beats up again as he still held my hand, I don't know why but when ever he's close to me I feel happy and when he touches me... I... I feel... hot and warm in my insides...

But now seeing his sorrowful gaze my heart feels hurt and broken... did I hurt? Why did I hurt him?

"I believe you but..." I gaze up into a specific direction in the room

Narrator's POV

Without any warning the magic ball quickly explodes into oblivion shocking everyone in the room

"She... she saw us... I-impossible!" Amy said her heart beating so fast as if she was running a marathon

"This is... bad..." Jack said looking constricted

I swear to all blessings in the world Jack if you do something shitty I will fucking sell you to a male brothel and have them make you serve at least 100 guest everyday -_-

"Don't be too shock her being strong is normal she being a tenko and all... but you are right this is bad..." Nexus said as he hid away his pocket knife


Narrator : for all the love of holy IMMA FUCKIN SHOV-


Narrator : HEY IM NO-

A/N: NO YOUR DONE! *kicks the narrator out* I need a new one...


The next next chapter will be the start!!!! Omg I'm so excited!!! Eeeek!!! So excited maybe too much but the next chapter is another warning that you should all atleast give a short time of your time to watch

Okie thank you all!!!! Luv you alllll

Reincarnated as a fox?! (THIS IS CANCELLED BUT IM MAKING A NEW ONE)Where stories live. Discover now