"So I made a new friend today."
"Is that so?"
"Yup! He's also an actor."
"We've been in a couple of the same musicals actually!"
"Well, not exactly the same of course! Different directors, but same musical! We both actually played some of the same parts too! He's a big fan of mine apparently."
"That's very nice."
The couple sat at their small kitchen table across from each other. One was ranting on and on on how their day went while the other read and graded essays from his AP Bio students.
"So yeah," Roman was finally finishing up. "He's pretty cool. Mysterious though."
"I'm very happy for you, Ro."
Princey stared at his boyfriend whose eyes never lifted up once during his story. Stupid papers, they were always distracting Logan. "Perhaps we can meet up with him sometime?" he offered.
"I hardly think that is necessary," stated Logan.
"How come?"
Logan wrote a grade on top of the paper with his fancy red pen before flipping to the next. "He just doesn't sound like someone I'm interested in."
"It's not like I'm setting you guys up," Roman teased, but he received no reply. "But seriously, why not? You should meet more people your age."
"Are you sure you're not trying to set us up? I'm quite content with my life currently without him in it."
"You haven't even met him."
"And you've known him for less than ten hours, what is your point?" Logan asked, finally looking up at his antsy lover.
"I'm just saying that maybe, you should start making some more friends," said Roman. "All you seem to do is just focus on your work and students nowadays, perhaps you need to get out more."
"What's wrong with the friends I have now?"
"What friends?"
Logan smirked a bit, going back to his papers. "Touché. But that's why I have you, you're a good distraction from my work for the time being."
"I'm touched, really I am," Roman responded sarcastically. "But I feel like you're distant, even from me. You don't give yourself breaks and I don't even know when the last time you talked to Virge or Pat. Friends help, ya' know."
"Is that why you have so many of them?"
Roman smiled. "Of course!"
"Well, I'm glad you are concerned about my social life, but I'm happy just the way I am. I don't need any more people in my life. Sure, friends may help lessen my personal burdens, but they also give me more baggage since I'm almost obligated to carry some of theirs. Friendships are complicated relationships, that's why they are so fragile and why true friendships are rare," explained the teacher.
"Is that why you drifted away from Virgil?" Prince asked.
Logan paused. "Perhaps. We just went our separate ways, that's that. We didn't have time for each other's lives because we were focusing on our own, and that's okay. I have you now, I focused on you and me instead, and Virgil focused on Patton."
Roman nodded with a soft sigh. "I guess you're right. You're always right."
Logan smiled. "That's right."
"But did you even hear from Virgil and Pat? Did you even know they adopted a baby girl?"
"Of course I heard, they sent me a picture."
"Why haven't we gone to visit them yet?"
Logan sighed, setting down his pen and cracked his cramped fingers. "When we would have time to visit them, Ro? Whenever I have a break, you have a show. When I'm working, you have off. Our schedules alone do not match up, how can we schedule a time with theirs?"
Roman's soft hazel eyes glanced down at the table. "I don't know, it would just be nice, you know... A baby, huh? That's really exciting."
"What are you trying to imply, Princey?"
"I'm not implying anything!" Logan gave him a skeptical look and he bit his lip. "Well, it's just that, don't you think it would be nice if we had a child? You're so good with kids."
Another sigh. "We aren't even married, why are you thinking about children? I don't think we could take care of a dog right now."
Roman looked at him with intense eyes. "Why not? We've talked about dogs before, wouldn't it bring us even more together? And then marriage and children and-"
"Woah, woah, woah," Logan cut him off. "Dogs? Marriage? Children? Where did this come from? We were literally just talking about friends."
"I know, but," Prince ran a hand through his hair. "Don't you want to get married?"
Logan was silent for a while, choosing his words wisely. "A wedding is expensive, we don't have the money right now."
"It doesn't have to be a big wedding," he offered in return but was given another look. "Alright, it would be nice to have a big wedding, but that's not what you would want."
"You may be accurate with that statement, I would prefer a smaller wedding, but I what I really want is you happy," explained the less extravagant man. "And well, we just don't have the money at the moment; not enough for a nice wedding. Not to mention that it would have to be in the summer since I wouldn't be able to get married during the school year, but summer is when you really work, and it is practical to start planning at least a year before to make it perfect. We can't rush these things, everything has to be planned out. Children can't even come into the equation either, that is a whole other situation. Why are you staring at me like that?"
Roman blinked, immediately looking away from the man he loved so much with a small blush on his face. "So-sorry. You're just so pretty when you're rambling. I can't help myself."
Logan couldn't help rolling his eyes. "I'm just trying to explain to you that things aren't as easy as they are in your fanciful make-believe productions."
"I know that..." he said softly. He just wanted to spend his whole life with him, was that so wrong? He wanted to become Mr. Roman Sanders, that would be so nice. He wanted to show the entire world that he was taken by an intelligent and magnificent man he wanted to be with forever, who he wanted to make a family with together. He knew he was a hopeless romantic, but he just wanted to be happy with his Logan.
"Ro. Hey, Roman." Logan's voice gained his attention again. "You are very mellow today, is everything alright?"
Princey immediately nodded. "Yes, everything is fine. I've just been thinking a lot and I'm just... tired."
Logan was still and silent for a moment before he pushed himself up out of the chair. For half a moment, Roman thought Logan believed his pretty shitty lie; it was true that he's been thinking, but he wasn't tired. He wanted to do something! He wanted them to take a step forward in life! But Logan seemed uninterested and it made him quite upset. However, like always, Logan knocked Roman's expectations out of the park and instead of walking away, he walked right up to him, and while gently cupping his face with his soft, but strong, hands, Logan tilted Roman's head up and leaned down to connect their lips together.
Their kiss was sweet and loving and tender, and Roman wanted it to last forever. But Logan pulled away after a couple of seconds, but he didn't go far. Their noses were only an inch apart as he whispered, "How about we go for a drive?"
Roman's heart jumped with joy, they haven't been for a drive in ages. So it took him less than a minute to agree and get a blanket before the two were heading out of their small house.

Perfect Places (Logince)
Фанфик"All the nights spent off our faces Trying to find these perfect places What the fuck are perfect places anyway?" Logan and Roman are reaching their third year anniversary together as boyfriends, but as that date is coming closer, their love for eac...