Getting to know you

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"Would you like some new clothes, since you seem a bit cold"

"Yes, thank you"

He puts his hand in yours and guides you up the stairs and into a room.

"Stay here, I'll bring you some clothes. I don't have much clothes for a woman, but we can go and buy you some later"

"That would be very nice, thank you Oswald"

Then Oswald leaves, you stand there and think about what Oswald could look like. Is he tall? Could he be slim. What does his hair look like? Then you hear the door open and you hear Oswald come into the room.

"This is all I could find, sorry" he says while handing you the clothes.

"Its alright, Oswald" you say reassuringly, he smiles at your response. You hear him open the door and leave. You change your clothes to fresh new clothes. You can feel that he gave you a dress shirt and some slacks. You can't see yourself, but you know you look good.

"Oswald, I'm ready!" you call out. You hear Oswald limp up the stairs.

"W-wow, you look b-beautiful" he said blushing.

"Thanks" you say blushing in reponse to his compliment.

"So are you hungry? Food has been prepared", then you hear your stomach growl loudly.

"Definitely" you giggle, Oswald then takes your hand and guides you to the dining room and helps you into a seat.

"It's (y/f/f)", "I don't want to sound insensitive, but how

id you lose your eyesight?"

"I have Cortical visual impairment, its more of a brain problem rather than an eye prblem, which means I could be able to see in the near future" you say while taking a bite of food.
"That's nice to know, that you will be able to see". You both get to know each other better while eating. You learn that his mother sadly passed away, and that he loved her dearly. She sounded like a very nice woman. You tell him about your family, but not too much since it's a very sensitive topic for you. But you don't mind listening to Oswald talk passionately about the things he loves. You talk for at least two or three hours. You yawn loudly, " I'm sorry i didn't mean to be rude" you say sleepily.
"That is fine it is late, it would be very important to get some sleep, since we are going to be very busy tomorrow"
"What are we doing tomorrow?"
"We're buying you new clothes!" he says excitedly you yawn once again.
"Lets go to sleep" he says sweetly he guides you to your room.
"Goodnight (y/n)" he whispers as you crawl into bed.
"Goodnight Ozzy" you say without thinking as you close your eyes. He steps out and closes the door.
"Did she just call me Ozzy?" he whispers blushing furiously.

Love At First Sight //Oswald CobblepotWhere stories live. Discover now