Going out with you

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You wake up and look to your side and see Oswald sleeping soundly. He looks so peaceful, and you just look at him for a few second before looking at the time. Its was 11:30 already! We slept that long! It was the best sleep you've had in a while. You kiss him softly.
"Wake up, my love" you whisper compassionately. His eyes then flutter open.
"Good morning my angel" he says softly his voice deep with sleep. You smile at him which causes him to kiss you.
"Get up Ozzy its already 11:30, and I want to do something today" you say while lightly poking his chest. He groans in response and you giggle.
"Alright my dove, I'm getting up" he said while sitting up. He leans over and kisses you.
"What do you want to do today my dear?" he asks.
"I want to go to the mall; again. Since last time I didn't get to experience it fully"
"Alright, go get ready and I'll make breakfast" you both get up and you go to the shower while Oswald goes downstairs to the kitchen. He knows he doesn't have to make breakfast; he has maids for that but he wanted this to be special. Just for you, for the love of his life.
You get out of the shower and get dressed, you put on a pastel yellow blouse and some light blue jeans. You put your hair into a bun and head downstairs. You go into the kitchen and sit on the counter top. Oswald then turns around and you see him wearing a pastel apron with flowers on it. You can't help but laugh.
"What's so funny my love?"
"That apron dear, why that apron?"
"This was the only one I found and I didn't want to get pajamas dirty" you giggle at his response and he turns around and keeps cooking.
Later he passes you a plate of eggs bacon and toast, with a cup of coffee. You eat quickly since you were starving.
After breakfast you wait for Oswald to get ready. When he comes downstairs you can't help but stare at him; hes just so damn handsome. Hes wearing a dark suit with a dark purple tie.He notices that you're staring at him.
"You like what you see?" he says flirtatiously.
"Definitely" you reply winking at him. He blushes at your response.
"Shall we go my love?" he asks while holding out his arm.
"We shall" you say while taking hold of his arm. You both get into the car and go to the mall. When you get there he opens the door for you. When you get inside the mall you were amazed at how beautiful this mall was. This was a whole new experience for you.
"Wow" you gasp.
"It is very beautiful"
"Its like my first time being here, its so different than what I imagined" you say amazed. You both walk around for a while. Then you see it; a pretzel shop!
"Ozzy! Can we get pretzels?" you ask excitedly, you love soft pretzels; honestly you just love pretzels in general.
"Of course my dear" he says excitedly. You go over and buy your pretzels, he got cinnamon sugar and you got salted. You took one of his, but he didn't mind. The day went by surprisingly quick, but you had so much fun! You bought some more clothes, you bought some new curtains since the mansion looks depressing and dark, and you bought Oswald a cute penguin pin. He doesn't like the name but he thought it was cute. Once you both got home you were exhausted, you almost fell asleep on the couch, but you managed to make it to bed.
You crawled into the bed and snuggled into the blankets. You fell asleep instantly, Oswald walks into the room and sees you already asleep. He chuckles to himself because you're just so cute! He gets into bed and he snakes his arms around your waist and kisses your neck.
"Goodnight beautiful" he whispers softly into you ear, and falls asleep.

Sorry this took so long I know its kinda short for how long it took me to write it, but I wanted to put something out. I been having a little bit of writers block so the next chapter will be out by next week. Thanks for understanding!💜

Love At First Sight //Oswald CobblepotWhere stories live. Discover now