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Jenn's POV
For a while I couldn't find Sam. I had no idea where he went and he wouldn't answer any of my calls or texts, so I decided to give it a rest and head home.

Now it's morning so I am hoping that Kian will know where Sam is by now. I text Kian, although I don't know if that's a good idea, and wait for a response.

I can't believe what happened last night. I can't believe that Sam would punch Kian and just walk away. When Sam walked in, I was in such shock and didn't even realize how bad the situation looked until he bursted through the door. But that fight. It seemed like it was about so much more than just Kian and me. I knew something had happened between them before, I mean who didn't, it was obvious.

I remember their friendship, it was definitely something to be jealous of. About a year ago, things started to get weird with Sam and Kian's relationship. At the beginning of the week they were perfectly fine, laughing, and filming a new video. By the end they had stopped talking and wouldn't even stand near each other. I thought they were just having a small fight and that it was nothing, but two weeks later, Sam uploaded a video saying they weren't going to make videos together anymore. I don't know what happened between them, and no one ever told me.

My thoughts are broken by a beeping noise. Finally Kian answers my text. He tells me that Sam came home late a night, but they haven't talked to each other. I thank him for telling me. He doesn't respond.

Now that I know he's safe and didn't run away or anything, I call him. Four agonizing rings until he picks up. Thank God.

"Sam! I'm so sorry about last night," I say while recalling the events of last night and tearing up. "Can we talk? In person?"

"Hey babe. Sure, we can talk, meet me down at our bench in the park," he says casually as if nothing has happened. What?

"Okay...," I say with uncertainty and them continue, "I'll see you there in ten minutes."

"Okay babe. I'll see you soon, bye." He sounds fine and almost happy, is he bipolar or something.

"Bye." I trail off at the end. The other line goes dead telling me he hang up, and left me wondering what is going on with him.

I run to my closet in urgency, wanting to see Sam as soon as possible. I pull out dark, denim, high waisted shorts and a pastel, blue, crop top.
Considering my blinds are closed and I lock my doors, I dont bother going to the bathroom to change. I brush my hair, slide on my bracelets, and put on gray calf socks with a light blue ring around the top. To top my outfit off, I put on combat boots that reached about an two inches below my calf socks.

With my feet moving like lightening, I reach my car and the engine starts. In five minutes I am at the park and walking towards the swing. Sam soon comes into my view and he is just sitting there, seemingly in deep thought. I assume he hears me coming because his head tilts up and his gaze meets mine. The second our eyes lock, his face lights up, with a bright smile illuminating it. After seeing it, I couldn't help but mirror his action.

"Jenn," Sam sighs happily.

"Sam," I also sigh happily and sit next to him on the bench. Then I remember why we are here... To talk about what happened last night. "Sam I'm sorry that you thought something was going on between me and Kian. I swear-" I am planning on saying more, but Sam interrupts me.

"Jenn it's fine. I know you didn't do anything," he says reassuringly and then mumbles under his, "But Kian did." I don't think I am meant to hear it, and now I couldn't help but wonder what Kian has done. "My temper just got the best of me and I didn't do the mature thing." Wow, he sounds pretty mature right now.

"Well you seem to be doing the mature thing right now. By the way, I've been meaning to ask; what else happened between you and Kian?" I say giving him a comfortable smile afterwards. Then I see an uncomfortable and angry look come over his face, so I change the subject. "Thank you for forgiving me." I bow my head and pick my nails to avoid looking him in the eye.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about," Sam says gently and places his fingers under my chin to tilt my head up, so I am looking into his eyes.

We can't help but kiss each other. I'm grateful he forgave me or else I'd probably be at home crying.

The kiss starts off gentle, while his hands cup my cheeks. Then he runs them down my upper body to snake his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. As he does that, the kiss deepens and I sling my leg over his lap. I hang my arms on his shoulder, playfully tugging on his hair. I hear him quietly moan a little which makes me smile against his lips. Sam licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly oblige. Our tongues fight for dominance, both of us quietly moaning in pleasure. Sam starts to run his hand up and down my thigh, and that's when I pull back. I don't want to go too far in a park.

Our foreheads lean against each other while we both try to regain our normal heart rate.

"I love you." That shocks me. But this moment feels so right.

"I love you."

He better not make me regret this.

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In Between (Jennxpenn, Sam, and, Kian)Where stories live. Discover now