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Jenn's POV
Today I am going to the O2L house to hang out with the guys. I start to get ready and pick out some clothes. I'm wearing black leggings, a white crop top, and a flannel. I wear combat boots with my outfit and bracelets from fans. Once I look in the mirror and approve my own outfit, I head to the house.


I am at the O2L house and knock on the door. Inside I hear footsteps getting louder as the person comes closer. Then the door swings open with a grinning idiot inside.

"Hey Kian," I say to him smiling.

"Jenn! I didn't know you were coming!" He says surprised but glad to see me.

"Well, I mean if you don't want me here, then I can just leave," I say shrugging, but trying to contain my giggles.

"No! I want you to be here." Kian looks worried that I might actually leave, so I burst out laughing.

"I'm just kidding. But if you don't make me breakfast, I might actually leave." I'm dead serious.

"Come inside and I'll make you pancake Little Jenny," he says chuckling afterward.

I go inside and follow him to the kitchen. I guess none of the other guys are here because it's really quiet.

"So where is everyone?" I question while Kian makes pancakes.

"Beats me. Everyone left while I was asleep."

"No surprise there," I say and laugh.

"Hey! Do not judge, I was up late," he says pointing a spatula at me.

"Doing what exactly?" I can't help but raise my eyebrow and imply something dirty.

"Jenn!" He exclaims and smacks me with the spatula. I say ouch but laugh, then he continues. "For your information, I was not watching porn or anything like that. I was just catching up on youtube videos."


"Just whatever's new." He shrugs and slaps a pancake onto a plate. "For you Little J," he grins.

"Why thank you kind Kian," I say and giggle. We both start to eat the pancakes he is making and just laugh.

Kian's POV
Jenn and I finish our breakfast and we are heading to my bedroom, so we can watch Netflix and just relax.
Earlier when Jenn asked me who's videos I was watching, I lied. I was having a bad night so I stayed up late watching Jenn's old videos because they always cheer me up. I couldn't just tell her that though.

We are in my room now and I grab my laptop.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask her.

"Ummm I don't know. How about," Jenn pauses to think about wht she wants to watch and then continues, "Park and Recreation?"

"Sure." That's her favorite show and it makes her laugh, so if I get a chance to her laugh then I'll take it.

We sit on the floor and I hit play.

While we are watching, Jenn starts to make fun of me in a playful way. So there is only one thing to do: use her weakness.

I get a hold of her and start to tickle her, and she begins to laugh.

"Kian! Stop!" Her laughter is uncontrollable and so is mine.

"Never!" By now she is pleading for me to stop tickling her.

"I'm sorry! I'll stop making fun of you if you stop tickling me."

I stop tickling her for a second and pretend to ponder on that possibility and then respond, "Nah, I don't think so." And continue tickling her.


I realize, that somehow, my knees are now straddling her waist tightly, but I barely acknowledge it. She is putting all of her strength into trying to push me off, but it's not doing any good.

"Kian! You're going to make me pee!" She exclaims while giggling. I just dig my face into her neck and playfully growl. Then I here the door swing open and we both tense up. I revert my gaze to the door and there stands a surprised, but also furious, Sam. I glance down at Jenn, who is currently still under me, and she seems to be in complete shock.

"What is going on here?" Sam questions in a harsh tone.

"Sam! This isn't what it looks like!" Jenn defends in a pleading tone and pushes me aside to get out from under me.

"She's right Sam, nothing was happening," I say trying to convince him.

"Oh really? Were you not just on top of the girl I am currently dating, with your face dug into her neck?" Sam steps into the room and I stand up.

"That does look bad; doesn't it?" I say under my breath." Then I look up from my feet to Sam.

"Sam, he was just tickling me and we were just having a play fight," Jenn says while stepping closer to Sam. "It was nothing." It was something for me... She tries to grab his hand, but he pulls away and Jenn looks hurt.

"That sort of sounds like something her boyfriend should be doing," Sam states sternly and stepped towards me. I didn't know they were official. But it doesn't seem like Jenn didn't know either from the stunned look on her face.

"Sam, you know Jenn and I are just close friends," I say trying to calm him down.

"Practically brother and sister," Jenn says. Well I don't know about that...

"Well, it kind of seemed like flirting," Sam said stepping closer to me, then continuing. "And I remember someone telling me not to flirt with other people while I'm in a relationship. This is the same situation, just reversed." He looked me straight in the eye to ensure that I knew what he was talking about.

"Sam I wasn't flirting with Jenn." Who was I trying convince?

"We both know you were," Sam whispered so only the two of us could hear. He knew, and I didn't even yet.
Then something happened. I could barely process it. I didn't think he would do this. Sam punched me in the gut. Hard. Like all the anger he felt towards me from the past year was packed in that punch. We haven't gotten into a physical fight since our last big one. And that was so bad that we stopped making videos together and "Lawlorff" was gone (A/N remember when they were close and now it's finally coming back, I cry). It took a long time to get over it, but even after that we never really forgave each other.

After a moment of processing, pain shoots through my body and I fall to the floor. I don't have the strength to fight back, nor do I want to. I know I deserve this.

"Kian!" Jenn screams and fall to her knees to my level to see if I'm okay.

"Are you okay?" She questions.

Before I can respond, Sam interrupts. "Go ahead, comfort him. That is what's always gonna happen and besides, I'm done here anyway."

With that Sam storms out of the room, so Jenn screams his name. She looks so torn right now, trying to choose between me and Sam.

"Go after him. I'll be fine." I had to do this. She just nods and runs after him. If only she knew I wouldn't ever be fine, not until Sam and I made peace.

A/N Woah I didn't think I would ever update again, but I updated one of my other stories (the bet) and thought about this one. I realized that I had a really good layout for half of this story and I wanted to continue it. I want to keep updating, but I only do that when I feel motivated. Please comment and vote if you like this story and want me to continue it. So what do you think happened between Sam and Kian?

In Between (Jennxpenn, Sam, and, Kian)Where stories live. Discover now