⇒c i n q

404 26 12

February 1, 1886

Lyon, France

Collette Manor


The demon cradled the young girl in his slender arms as the vast fire got farther and farther away from them.  Y/n's mind remained blank as she kept her head buried in his shoulder, however at that moment the death of her parents replayed.  Then, she realized her manor still stood.  Y/n looked up into his now fiery pair of golden eyes, "Bring me to Collette Manor." she ordered with a certainty in her voice.  "Yes, my lady." he spoke, a smirk gracing his thin lips.  

In what seemed only a matter of a few minutes, the demon had his mistress standing in front of the beautiful estate.  From the outside it looked as if the Collette family were having their evening cup of tea, but Y/n's eyes adverted themselves to her bedroom window.  "Stay here, make sure no one comes by the manor." she said, dropping from her butler's arms. 

As Y/n entered the manor, she glanced at the windows attempting to find where the killers had entered from.  Her eyes landed on the scattered shards of glass, looking up she saw the broken window.  Anger coursed through her veins as she picked up a piece of broken glass from the  ground, "What is done, is done... there's no going back."  Setting down the glass, Y/n took a deep breath and began up the stairs.  

She entered her room, the blood stained walls sending chills down her spine.  She approached her bed and peered behind it where her mother and her father laid.  The blood on her mother's neck seemed to have dried, looking more like rust than blood.  The knife was still stuck in her father's stomach and his eyes were kept open.  She clenched her jaw as she gazed at the knife in her dear father.  

Y/n sat on her knees, her e/c eyes locking with her father's lifeless ones.  She grasped the knife and keeping her eyes averted from the knife she pulled it out.  She watched as Collette blood spilled onto her once elegant carpet.  Her hands trembled yet she told herself to deal with it, it was done with.  Out of the corner of her eye she saw a shiny object, addressing it she realized it was her mother's necklace.  The Collette heirloom, a thin gold necklace with a tanzanite  pendant and the family name engraved into it.  She carefully took it from her mother's neck and clutched it in her hand.  

She stood up and took hold of one of the ivory roses from her vase.  Y/n placed the rose in her mother's hands, she kissed her parents goodbye and closed her father's eyelids.  "Revenge won't bring either of you back.  But... I'll make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else." she spoke with determination as she turned around walked out of the room. 

She wandered throughout the manor, how can a life so great turn to...this? What a shame... As she passed through the kitchen, her eyes inspected the lighter on the marble counter.  I wouldn't be able to do much here, I need to be at an advantage and without a queen there's no way to be appointed in France.  Luckily, the Collette's are good friends with Queen Victoria.  

The young girl smirked and seized the lighter in her hands.  She looked through the cabinets searching for the gasoline, once she found it she quickly pulled of the lid.  Y/n dosed her manor in gasoline, the smell irritating her nose.  Before the gasoline could have a harmful effect on her she stepped out the front door where her butler awaited her, lighter still in hand.  

"Burn it." she simply said, a subtle smirk playing on her lips.  "Are you sure, my lady? Your parents are still ins-"  "I said, burn it!" the butler smirked alongside her, "As you wish.".  He clicked the lighter and threw it into the estate, she watched as it was consumed by the flames.  She whipped her head around and gazed up at her butler, "Bring back to England, there I shall continue my family's work."  "Of course, my lady.  However, what shall I be referred to once we arrive at the new estate?" he knelled, his gold eyes looking back at hers.  "Your name shall be, Claude Faustus."


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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