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Gustav put out his leg as I walked by, successfully tripping me.
"Do you often trip over your own shadow?", he asked, standing over me. His tone, laced with amusement.
I huffed, getting up. "I don't know, Gregory, honestly I think my shadow's just an arsehole, that likes to see me fall down to it's level." I glared at him.
"Gregory?", he tutted. "Not one of your better ones."
"Whatever, George."
"That's not even the right 'g' sound."
"Well, that's funny since your name actually starts with a 'c.'" I smirked at him.
He pouted in defeat, like a little boy who's just been scolded for stealing the last cookie.
My smile grew.

[Brief Summary]
This is a story of a blonde-haired girl that discovers light in the darkness; and the sunshine in the night.
The story of a girl who falls in love with her shadow, even though she was once afraid of the dark.
This is the story of a green-eyed boy that has promised to always protect his girl from the darkness of life.
The stars in her eyes and the radiance of her smile are a breathtaking spectacle, which cause all to marvel at her mesmerising beauty.
This is the story of how he always had to watch from afar, but one day has to fulfil his promise to keep her safe.
But, what happens when sunshine meets a star? And what happens when they fall in love?

A story of forgotten 'imaginary' friends and unfulfilled promises.
A story of a lonely boy in a world that refuses to see him.
A story where the blonde-haired girl conquered her fear of darkness,
And found light instead.


This is a clean romance story with many Awwww moments. Minimal swearing.

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