4) Magic-boy

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I gasped and grabbed my wrist out of his grasp, taking a few steps back. There were two middle-aged guys in the secluded alleyway, the guy that grabbed me, and what I assume is his friend; and they were both leering at me.

My heartbeat was pounding against my rib cage, and the lump in my throat made it impossible to scream. I backed away from them a couple of steps, which helped separate us by a few feet.

"Didn't your mommy ever tell you not wander the streets at night?", the guy that grabbed me slurred, showing a few missing teeth. His hair was lightly peppered with grey hairs, but his face was a bit droopy from years of tireless work.

His friend laughed like the guy just told the funniest joke on earth. "Yeah, or talk to strangers?," he said flashing a smile that showed his skew yellow teeth. He wiped his eyes, regaining his composure. If I were braver, I would've pointed out that I haven't said a word to either of them, but you've got to pick your battles.

"Guess, we'll just have to teach the girl a lesson, right, Will?"

"Yeah, Charlie. Guess we'll just have to." Will's lecherous gaze turned to me. I trembled.

The guys started advancing on me, and when I found my voice to scream, a third figure appeared.

Like out-of-thin air.

And muffled my scream with his hand. "Shhh, Emma," he whispered, towering over me with his height. He lowered his head so that his gorgeous green eyes stared intently into my wide hazel ones. "I've got you. You're going to be ok."

I overlooked the chiseled jaw-line, or the dark locks of hair that framed his face impeccably. Because as I gazed into his green eyes, all I could think about was how he knew my name.

He gently removed his hand from my mouth, and sharply turned around. Squaring his shoulders, he stood protectively in front of me, effectively blocking my view of the two men, who I imagine were staring at him slack-mouthed and wide eyed. Join the club.

The next moment, it was a fight scene. And in the end, I don't know who I wanted to win the fight. So I just stared, fixated to the spot, and watched as the men re-enacted a WWE match.

Charlie attempted to punch the Magic-boy in the face. He put his well built frame to good use, he blocked the blow, and punched Charlie in the stomach, then kicked dodged Will's attack by kicking his feet out from under him. Will tripped, slamming onto the floor. Magic-boy was several inches taller and more muscular than both Charlie and Will, but despite the age gap and clear muscle disadvantage, they had the advantage of two against one.

Charlie recovered quickly and slammed a fist into the Magic-boy's side. He didn't even flinch, before he landed a punch that knocked out Charlie's remaining teeth, that sent him flying to the ground, unconscious. Will got to his feet, landing a punch on the Magic-boy's stomach. The only reaction to the punch was a kick aimed on Will's family jewels. Will dropped to his knees, clutching himself in pain, where Magic-boy punched him in the head. Will, too, slumped to the floor unconscious.

I stared at Magic-boy in horror, clearly if we decided to get in a duel, I would be the one to lose. I held up my hands in surrender. His inscrutable expression fell, and a look of confusion and hurt? flashed across his face, but he shook his head, his features reclaiming the expressionless mask.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you," he said.

I gestured towards the motionless bodies on the floor. "Clearly, you can see why I have doubts. And, how did yo—", I stopped remembering how he appeared out-of-thin air, and that I was way out of my depth. Maybe I was going insane?

I pinched myself.

"You're not dreaming." He sighed.

Great! Just going insane then.

I nodded warily, not moving my eyes off of him.

He sighed. "It's getting late, we should go home."


"Yeah, we."

I blinked at him, unsure what he meant by that. And waited with baited breath for him to move.

"What's the time, Stella?"

So maybe he doesn't know my name.

Wait, that doesn't make sense. He said it earlier, didn't he? I looked to the side in thought.

Was I really going insane?

He snapped his fingers in front of my face. "I never knew such a question could cause someone so much contemplation." He smiled amusedly.

I frowned, realising that my finger had curled around my chin, like I was an old professor pondering the purpose of life. I quickly removed my traitor finger to make myself seem somewhat normal to a guy that appears out-of-thin-air. Just your everyday, run-of-the-mill stuff.

I eyed him, pulling my phone out of my pocket, and barely glanced at the time long enough to read it. 9:52 p.m.


"Let's go. Liam's going to be here soon,—" did he just say Liam? "—and I'd rather not be in a dark alley for much longer. Great job by the way," he remarked sarcastically.

I didn't move, and I'm pretty sure I didn't breathe.

"How do you know about Liam?," I asked slowly, carefully, backing a step away from him.

He looked a little saddened at my obvious fear of him, but recovered quickly, covering it with an irritated facial expression. "Because Stella," he sighed, "I'm your shadow."

Hey guys!

Who do you think Stella is or what does it mean?

Thoughts? Comments?


Please leave a comment on your favourite character so far (P.s. I do this so I can see if your character preferences change, plus I think it's fun.

(Rereaders please don't influence or spoil on comments)





*The 'Curse'/ the prankster

*Magic-boy / Gustav

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