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LAURENNNN!!!! 03/january/2012


i'm coming to one of your concerts!!!!

i'm so excited! i'm going to your miami one! because i live in miami. sadly i don't have the meet and greet ticket but i'm still so excited!! i wasn't born here but i'm from Cojímar, Cuba. but yeah, i came to America when i was six. i miss Cuba but florida is beautiful too!

other than everything else, school is horrible. kids at school bully me and my anxiety doesn't help at all. books help me escape though. i don't have A N Y friends at all but i kinda think of you as my friend. i wonder if you think of me as a friend. who knows.

i made friends with a boy though, his name is Austin. he's a little bit of a dick though. (sorry for my language lol ((i can't believe i just wrote out lol on a piece of paper)) but anyways)
he's okay. there's this girl named dinah, i think we will be good friends. she's so tall compared to me. i'm only 5' 2" so i'm pretty short. dinah's like 5' 8" or something like that so shes very tall.

i need to go, it's 1 am and my little sister is crying. she hit her head on something.

bye. love you (not in a weird way lol)

dear, laurenWhere stories live. Discover now