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dear lauren,

so today is wednesday and i am super bored. dinah is coming over later, we're going to have a sleepover! and guess what?

the school dinah and i are going to is like got dorms and stuff so we might be sharing! hopefully we are, as we both inquired about it but it might not happen.

i wonder if

yo it's dinah jane here, walz is sleeping at the moment and i don't feel like sleeping so i looked through her stuff.

and here i am.

i don't know who you are, she's already wrote lauren, so i'm guessing your name is lauren.

you better not be her best friend, cause that's me. also she's keeping secrets from me, who are you?

omg just imagine if this is that singer she loves, called lauren something... i don't know. sometimes she talks too much haha.

i love her though.

also, is she into girls? like i've been getting this feeling that she likes girls so maybe you know, or she told you.

if you do know, text me (cause i don't write letters, this is like the first time i've done this) at **Dj's number here**

also do you know what mila looks like? maybe you guys are like friends over letters instead of the internet or something.

also i'm like rlly bored, so i'm going to write some things mila might've been going to say.

"i wonder if lauren jauregui will ever dm me back,

i wonder if austin will ever leave me alone?

i wonder if dinah will give him a poly beat down?

i wonder if you know that i might like girls, but no one knows maybe?!?!?

i wonder if i actually like boys? cause i've been staring at photos of girls and biting my lip and playing with my lips when i see girls.

i wonder if i can be in harry potter?

i wonder if santa is real? (dinah laughs at me everytime i bring him up)

i wonder if i'm a fairy?"

okay, milas waking up. i better run downstairs and put this in the place where they put the letters they need to send.

weird i know.

ok so bye have a good day. or night. idk.

-dj- also known as milas bff.

dear, laurenWhere stories live. Discover now