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dear lauren,                                06/january/2012

i'm tired, it's 11 pm in the night. i should really go to bed. but i like talking to you, even though you don't talk back it's... i'm not sure, relaxing i guess.

i like writing stories and stuff. i also love reading. people at my school always make fun of me because of it, which i don't understand. i'm getting out of this world and jumping into another universe because of all those people. that world is much more beautiful than this world, you try things you don't think you wouldn't ever in this world.

writing; you can do anything you want. you put yourself into a different character and you can recreate yourself, or make someone completely new. someone that doesn't have anxiety, someone who's a hero.

someone that isn't you. someone that falls in love with someone achievable. someone who lives happily ever after.

as you can tell; i have really deep thoughts.

i don't want you to get swamped by this letter so i'll probably write back on monday but we'll see what happens tomorrow, or if i have any good thoughts.

ily byeeee
-camila cabello

dear, laurenWhere stories live. Discover now