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dear lauren,                   15/january/2012

hi lolo (is it okay if i call you that? it's just quicker to spell than lauren.)
your ankle is doing much better (you said that on twitter, hopefully you weren't lying.)

i'm writing this while on the train, i'm going up to see my new school. i'm having to move schools because of many things.
1• because of bullying! yay! people just love to bully sweet ol' camila.
2• because my friend Dinah is moving to that school and she is the only person who 1. likes me and 2. doesn't bully me, and all the kids at my school hate me so there's no way any one else will become friends with me.
NUMBER THREEEEEE• my family is moving to the other side of the city, which is okay because i'm still in miami and i love miami so much. also i still will be able to see some of my parents friends children. they're okay.

sorry for that long paragraph haha.

i wonder if you read these, probably not because you tour and do tv show appearances and you are always in the studio so you're a busy person.

ugh my wrist/hand/fingers hurt from writing. i'm doing homework as well even though i'm moving to a different school.

i better go.

bye lauren,
love camila.
(or karla ;) AHAHA THAT FACE LOOKS SO WEIRD hahahshahaha)

dear, laurenWhere stories live. Discover now