Part: 09

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Hyo Rim keeps the note in her purse. She always brings it along wherever she goes. Somehow she still has hope that he likes her too.

She always noticed Tae Hyung keep skip study. She knows the competition is few days but she thinks he still can't neglect his study. Being curious she went to In Guk's table.

"Oppa? Can I ask something?" She takes a seat in front of him. He then looks at her.

"What is it?" He asks back as to put his phone on the table.

"It just.. Umm... W-where is.. Ta-Tae Hyung go?" She awkwardly asks her brother.

"Why? Miss him already? He just went for two days not two years." In Guk just scoffed at her question.

"N-No! I.. I don't. Just.." She could not finish her sentences when she hears In Guk laugh at her.

"Hyo Rim-ah. He's at the field. I don't know why he is so happy. He said he wants to win the competition."

"Why though? He should take care of himself. What if he sick? Competition just three days. He can't be sick." Hyo Rim worriedly said. By that In Guk can say that she likes him too. In Guk just smile at her.

"If you worry that much why don't you talk to him. And... He not eating yet this morning." In Guk said.

"W-what?" She was surprised to hear that. She quickly went to the campus's convenience shop and buy something for Tae Hyung. As she reaches the shop she takes some foods for him also for her.

After a few moments, she came to the field. With the sun above his head, he still keeps doing his training. No one else at there.

'Why I'm doing this? It's too obvious.' Hyo Rim thought but she ignored it as saw him was super tired sat on the bench beside the field.

Hyo Rim walks to Tae Hyung with some foods in her hand. She hands him some bread and mineral water to him. Tae Hyung look at the foods then look up.

"What are you doing here?" Tae Hyung suddenly ask. Hyo Rim speechless don't know what excuses she has to create.

"Urm... Oppa... He... Worried about you... He... Ask me to bring you foods... And he.. Urm... Told to not forcing yourself. It's just a game." She said as Tae Hyung take the foods.

"Have you eat yet?" Tae Hyung ignored what she just said.

"No." She said.

"Want some?" He said as open the plastic wrap from the bread.

"No. Its okay I've mine. That yours. I... Bought for you." She said. Tae Hyung looks at Hyo Rim and smile.

"Oh really? I must finish all of this?" He looks at the foods besides him. There a lot of foods.
"This too much." He added. There was silent a moment as they took a bite of their foods.

"Urmm... Why you practice so hard?" Hyo Rim suddenly asks without looking at Tae Hyung. Taking a deep breath Tae Hyung replied.

"I promise myself to win this competition. And... If I win I will ask my crush out. Jimin and Jung Kook said I should ask her out since I love her. It's not bet or whatever. They said I should not keep this feeling forever. And I-" Before he could be finished Hyo Rim stand up and about to leave but she just gives fake smile to him.

"Good luck then. I hope... You happy with her. I... I have... To go." She said forcing herself not to cry in front of him.


"I wish you happy whoever you with. I'm happy if you happy. Bye Tae Hyung." She little bit cried as said that. Leaving him alone... Again.

"But... It was you... I want to ask out." He said while looking at her back. He smiles a little while looking at the foods.
"It not from In Guk but... Yourself." He said.


Tae Hyung went to the cafeteria for lunch. When he sat down In Ah go to him. He sighed as saw that girl coming toward him. He just keeps talking with Jimin and Jung Kook.

"Tae oppa.. Where have you been? I looking for you the whole day." In Ah said with flirty voice. Jimin and Jung Kook just make cringy face toward her. Tae Hyung about to respond her when Jenny interrupted.

"Since when you have dongsaeng Tae?" Jenny asks while glancing at In Ah.

"I don't remember mom birth again after me. I only have crazy noona." Tae Hyung spoke.

"Yeah, you d- Yah! I'm not crazy." She smacked his back head. In Ah just ignored him and sat next to Tae Hyung. Jenny just walks passing them and went to her friends.

In Guk, Ryeo Wook, Jong-Ki, and Hyo Rim enter the cafeteria. Jung Kook nudge Jimin arm as saw Hyo Rim's sad face. Jimin playfully kicks Tae Hyung's leg to get his attention. As he looks at Jimin, he pouted to Hyo Rim's table. Tae Hyung can see she was upset about something.

Then In Guk came with her foods. She just fake smile to him. Once Tae Hyung and Hyo Rim look at each other, she quickly looks away. Tae Hyung just sighed.

"What happens with her?" Jung Kook asks Jimin.

"I'm not her oppa. Don't ask me." Jimin answers him while still cringy at In Ah hugging Tae Hyung's arm.

"I going home. I don't have class after this." Hyo Rim said.

"Hyo Rim-ssi." Suddenly someone calls her. She looks around and saw Seok Jin. She doesn't know why she always avoided him lately.

"Seok Jin. Sorry if I ignore you lately." Hyo Rim said.

"Its okay I quite busy lately. I join cooking class." He said.

"Oh, I see. See you tomorrow." Hyo Rim smiles a bit to him.

"Going home? Alone? I wish I can send you but I have class. Maybe Tae can. He doesn't-"

"No thank you. I can go home by myself. I don't want to disturb him." She said with a sad tone while looking away. Deep inside she holds her tears from coming out.
"Bye." She quickly went out.

In Guk sighed and look at Tae Hyung. His face like need some help. In Guk went to Tae Hyung.

"Are not you have work to do?" In Guk ask Tae Hyung. He was confused by In Guk's question. Then he can see In Guk giving some hint to him.

"Ahh. Sorry In Ah, See you- No. I don't want to see you. Bye guys." He said and follow In Guk.

"Thank you. You just save my life." Tae Hyung said but In Guk stopped him.

"I know something happens between you and Hyo Rim. I hate seeing her like that. I caught her crying in the music room this morning." In Guk said as the was far from anyone.

"I don't do anything. She just... Misunderstanding." He admits.

"I don't want to know what going on with you two but better not make her more sad. If that happens I won't let you go easily. I know you can take care of her. I trust you Tae Hyung. I beg you as a brother, don't hurt her." He said.

"What you mean?" Tae Hyung asks confusing.

"I'm not stupid Tae. You like her." In Guk said. Tae Hyung just says nothing. In Guk scoffed at his silent.

"Are you okay if I ask her out for a date after the match?" Tae Hyung suddenly speaks out.

"Did you just ask my permission?"

"Are not you her guardian?"

"Yeah... Whatever. Just don't do dirty stuff." In Guk said while walking away.

"Yah! I'm not like that. I'm pure innocent." Tae Hyung put his arm around In Guk's shoulder. Talking like a buddy while walking to their locker.

To be continued...

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