Chapter 7

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"Where's Gabriel?" Dean asks when he sees Sam come back to the library alone.

"War room," Sam says. Seeing that Dean is about to object, he adds quickly, "He's fine. Don't worry about him."

"I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about us!" Dean says. "You're leaving him there alone? That's the stupidest decision you could've made!"

"Dean, relax," Sam says. "He can't do anything stupid. Hell, he can't really do anything, period. We don't have to worry about him going anywhere or really doing anything at all. Right now, he's basically a decoration. So, let's talk about the actual important things."

Dean hesitates, then sighs. "I'm gonna have to take your word on that one. Okay, what do we have so far, spell-wise?"

Castiel lists them off. "Right now, the blood of a most holy man and fruit from the Tree of Life. The archangel grace..."

"Well, that's a work in progress," Dean finishes.

"All that's left is the Seal of Solomon," Sam adds.

"Oh, is that all?" Dean says sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, what do you need all this for?" Ketch asks.

"A spell," Sam says vaguely.

"Well, yes, I kinda figured that one out," Ketch replies. "What's the spell for?"

"Doing things," Dean tells him.

"You know, I'm getting the strangest feeling that you don't trust me," Ketch observes, as if he wasn't already aware of that.

"I wonder why," Castiel deadpans.

"Look, no offense, but you're actually one of my least favorite people on this planet right now," Dean tells him. "Just because you don't want to leave doesn't mean we're going to work with you again."

"What happened to taking down the devil together?" Ketch asks.

"What happened to 'we have no idea where Lucifer is'?" Dean counters. "We've got nothing on him, so right now, priorities are changing. Seal of Solomon. Any idea where it is?"

"I wouldn't tell you without knowing why you need it," Ketch says. "Tell me what the spell is for, and I'll tell you what I know. Deal?"

Dean glances back at the others to make sure they don't have a different opinion before he reluctantly tells the Brit what he needs to know.

"We're opening a rift in space and time to get to another dimension."

Ketch scoffs. "You're going to try to open the rift? Our priority right now should be keeping the rift closed. Michael is already trying to make it through. We can't risk letting him out. It'll put the whole world at risk."

"Maybe," Dean agrees. "But our mom is over there, and so is Lucifer's son, and we have to get them back."

It's been clear for a while now how Ketch feels about Mary Winchester, so it surprises no one when his only problem is with Jack.

"You can't risk the lives of everyone on earth for the nephilim. He may seem okay now, but sooner or later, he will turn, and we do not want to fight against a nephilim."

"Yeah, well, it's a risk we're willing to take," Dean replies. "Now, what do you know about the seal?"

"Absolutely nothing," Ketch replies.

"You said if we told you, you'd tell us what you know," Sam reminds him. "You never said you had to like what we were gonna do with that information."

"Oh, no, I did tell you all I know," Ketch says. "I honestly know nothing about the Seal of Solomon. I just wanted to know what you were up to."

Dean glares at him. "Great, thanks. Look, if you're just gonna screw around, you better leave before I accidentally break your face, got it? Great. Bye!"

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