Chapter 16

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It must be the general consensus that even if Asmodeus is planning something, Gabriel has no part in it, because everyone has no problem leaving when Sam asks them to, and soon, it's back to just Sam and Gabriel in the library.

After a few moments of tense silence, Sam says, "I'm sorry they sold you out like that."

"I know you are," Gabriel says. "I just want to make them sorry."

"If it's any consolation, I'm sure they were sorry when they really realized what they did," Sam offers, though he's not sure he can believe it. He's not sure what to think about them.

"I don't want to talk about it," Gabriel mutters.

"Then can we talk about you and Dean?" Sam asks, earning a confused look from the angel. "You can't keep ignoring him because you don't like him."

"Yeah? Watch me."

"Okay, you shouldn't keep ignoring him," Sam corrects himself. "You're just making things harder than they need to be."

"He tried to take my grace," Gabriel reminds him. "Not quite the makings of a beautiful friendship."

"Yeah, and I've tried to kill you many, many times, and we're still good," Sam says. "What Dean did isn't any worse."

"Yes, it is," Gabriel tells him.


Gabriel pauses, then says, "It just is," like he's not entirely sure why this is true, but it's undeniably true.

"Okay, let's try this again," Sam says. "The only real difference between us right now is that Dean tried to take your grace. He's not going to do that again, so really, Dean and I are pretty similar."

Gabriel scoffs at that but doesn't say anything.

"If that's not your problem, then what is?" Sam asks.

"My problem is that he doesn't understand," Gabriel says. "He's been to hell, sure, but that was a completely different experience. But you... Lucifer and Asmodeus, they're more alike than not. The physical beatings, the mind games, it's all the same. You've been here before. He hasn't, and for his sake, I hope he never is."

Sam lets out a long breath. He understands exactly what Gabriel is saying, just like the angel knew he would. But he can also look at this objectively, and he knows that ignoring people just because they don't understand isn't going to help.

"Okay," Sam says finally. "I get it. But isolating yourself is just going to make things worse."

"How am I isolating myself?" Gabriel asks as if he's being ridiculous. "I'm talking to you right now."

"Talking to one person is still isolation," Sam replies.

"What? No it's not!" Gabriel protests. "Someone get me a dictionary." He glances around the library. "One of these books has to be a dictionary, right?"

Sam rolls his eyes. "Talking to one person isn't healthy. At least talk to Cas, okay? He's been wanting to talk to you since we —"

"Kidnapped me," Gabriel finishes. "Since you kidnapped me."

"Well, yeah, I guess, but we kidnapped you from your kidnapper," Sam adds.

"No, Asmodeus didn't kidnap me. He bought me. Really, he's the only one following the laws here. Kinda."

Sam takes a deep breath and silently tells himself to let it go. He's not fighting over this — not when there are so many more important things to discuss.

"You should talk to Cas," Sam repeats. "For his sake and yours."

"Sorry, bucko. Not gonna happen."

"Why not?" Sam asks, almost whining by this point.

"Because I don't know the first thing about him! I barely knew he existed before I left heaven, and I don't think we ever actually spoke. I've got no idea if he's the uptight 'stick up his ass' type angel or the laid back 'let's go hit up a strip club' type. I wouldn't know what to say to him."

"You'll figure it out," Sam assures him. "Just talk to him. Talk about Heaven or your weird ass tricks or cats or something."

Gabriel just shakes his head.

"Fine." Sam stands up, trying not to show how much he enjoys the confused look on the angel's face. "I'm gonna go help Dean and Cas. If you want to sit here and wallow in your own self pity, go ahead, but if not, you know where to find us."

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