Jamaica (day 5)

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I was awoken by the sound of my alarm on my phone, I began to reach for it then I slammed my hand down on something hard. The alarm was still running and I open my eyes to see that David was asleep in my bed. I climbed on top of him a reached over and grabbed my phone. After shutting off the alarm I suddenly found myself lying on the bed with David on top of me. He had his head on my neck, as he kissed down my neck to my collarbone, I felt his hand sliding up my waist. Before he could get any farther I realized something, "what are you doing in my room," I asked as I stopped his hand from removing my shirt. He looked at me," you invited me, remember you were drunk and I ended up carrying you to your room. When I tried to leave you grabbed on to me and begged me to stay," he said while once again attempting to remove my shirt. Just as I was about to give in my phone began to ring, David groaned and rolled off me. I reached for my phone and checked the caller ID. On the screen was Cassie name and number, "hello." "Bri have you seen Jason, he been missing since we won the dance competition," Cassie said sounding extremely happy. I could tell that she was not really worried about Jason but just needed an excuse to tell me she won the contest. "I am happy for you Cassie and I am pretty Jason is probably somewhere at the breakfast buffet," I said as I got out of bed. David was getting dressed in the bathroom while I was talking when I got done I walk into the bathroom where David was taking a shower. I slide in and hugged him, we finished what we started in the shower before we went to breakfast. At breakfast, everybody talked about how this was the last stop before we got off the ship and head back home. I suddenly had a feeling of dread as I realized I was not going to be with David much longer. As if he could feel my concern David had grabbed my hand from under the table. My phone buzzed in my pants, it was a message from Cassie.
Cassie: This vacation went by fast it like we just got on the ship yesterday.😭😭😭😭
Me: Yeah
Cassie: Have you talk to David about your feelings?
Me: No
Cassie: well you better, you only have today and tomorrow to tell him.😡😡😡😡
I looked down the table to see Cassie leaning on Jason, she was talking to Jason's mom about today's activity. We were going to climb a waterfall then take a tour around the area. As we were getting off the ship David pulled me to the side, "why don't we skip the tour after climbing the waterfall, there is something I want to do." I was confused but agreed to go with him. When we got to where we were climbing the waterfall Cassie pulled me to the side. "so what was that about, did you tell him how you feel," she asked while changing into her swimsuit. I shook my head no and slid my flip flops on, I looked over at the waterfall and the other people climbing it.

 I shook my head no and slid my flip flops on, I looked over at the waterfall and the other people climbing it

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While climbing the waterfall I stayed close to David even using him as a leverage from time to time. Half way up the waterfall I near slid and David caught me, as he help me up I noticed that the group was getting farther ahead. By the time we had gotten to the top everyone was gone and had gotten on the bus to the tour. David lead me to another bus that was going the opposite direction. When we got off the bus I was greeted by a not welcoming site.

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