3 months later

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I swallowed as I look at the small wand in my hand, the twin pink lines seeming to get bigger the longer I stare. I've been feeling sick lately and spent most of my mornings in the bathroom relieving myself of my breakfast. Then early this morning Cassie busted into my room with a pregnancy kit saying, "I am tired of waiting for you to realize the obvious, you need to test yourself." That was a good minute ago and here in front of me was a positive pregnancy test.

" That was a good minute ago and here in front of me was a positive pregnancy test

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"Hey, are you alive in there," Cassie said from the other side of the door. I let out a sigh,"yeah I'm fine just waiting for the results," I lied as I sat on the edge of the tub. It was quiet for a small amount of time until Cassie said, "No you're not." I gave another sigh and open the door, Cassie was standing there with a plate of crackers and a bottle of ginger ale. Cassie nudged me into her living room where she had me eat the crackers. "So when are you going to tell him that you're pregnant, " she asked when I began to drink the ginger ale. After taking a big gulp, "I'm....I think I should be check by the doctor before I tell him incase it is a false alarm." Cassie rolled her eyes at me and popped a cracker in her mouth. Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a message from David.

David: Hey, ready for our date next Tuesday?

After looking at the message I began to feel sick again, I jumped out of my seat and ran to the bathroom. I could hear Cassie sigh as I left the room.

Next day

"Okay, so you can see me next Monday," I said to my doctor's receptionist over the phone. "That is right we will be looking forward to your visit, have a nice day, " she said before hanging up. I slid my phone into my pocket as I went into a local cafe, I been slightly craving cookies and brownie so I decide to get some on my break. As I got in line a figure in the front caught my attention. It wasn't until he turned around that I realized why he caught my eye. In the front of the line was David in a security uniform, I made a beeline for the bathroom before he would notice it was me.After I felt like he was gone I got back in line and sat at a booth on the far side of the cafe. Just as I was about to take a bite out my sandwich I noticed a shadow looming over me. When I looked up I was greeted by David who leaned down and planted a kiss on my lip. "I would ask what you're doing here but I am pretty sure I know," he said as he sat in the seat in front of me. It took all my self control not to lean over and give him another kiss. Just as I figured one more won't hurt my phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID to see it was my doctor's office. "Hello Ms. Baker we have an opening tomorrow at the same time as your other appointment and we were wonder if you would like to switch dates," said my doctor's receptionist when I pick up the phone. I peeked over at David who was trying to sneak away one of my brownie bites, "um....yeah that would be great," I said as I pulled the bites closer to me. When I hung up the phone David kissed me on the cheek, "gotta get back to work, I will be seeing you Tuesday for dinner." I kissed him on the cheek back and went back to eating my lunch.

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