Chapter XXXV - Winner Take All

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"Did you guys hear?" Leon said as he walked into the team's dorm room. "Some dude in the city just turned himself in to the cops."

"For what?" Perseus asked.

"Apparently, he had been abusing his whole family for the last several years. Alcoholic, depressed and shit and I guess he took it out on his wife and kids."

"That's some fucked up shit. Good thing they caught him."

"That's the thing, though. Nobody 'caught' him. Like I said, he just walked to the police station and turned himself in."

Lilly yawned as she stumbled back into their room.

"Good morning, beautiful," Leon said, fixing her nightgown, which was falling off her shoulder.

She stared at him vacantly, blinking drowsily before climbing back up to her bunk, almost falling on her way up.

"I really think we should switch places," Ingrid said, chuckling as she watched her partner struggle.

Without responding, Lilly pulled the blanket over herself and curled up against the wall.

"Jeez, what the heck have you been doing all night to get you so pooped out?"

"Muffin," Lilly said, her voice muffled by her pillow.

Yuan glanced over at his team leader, allowing a small smile to spread on his face. He figured she was the one responsible for that news Leon had delivered just now. Yet another job well-done. He made it a point to congratulate her after everyone else had left.

"Hey," Leon said, leaning against his and Yuan's bunk. "You think she'll wake up if I give her a kiss?"

"If she doesn't slap you, I think Ingrid will," Yuan said.

They both looked over at their cat Faunus teammate. Her arms were folded across her chest, confirming Yuan's suspicions. They turned to the door. Athena and Echo were also standing guard. Yuan turned back to his partner, but he had disappeared in a cloud of rose petals, reappearing on his bunk as far in the corner as he could possibly be.

"I'm n-not scared," Leon stammered. "S-Seriously, not s-scared at all."

"You truly do deserve every bit of what you get from them," Xanthus said, leaning on the doorframe beside Athena and Echo.

"Don't look at me," Perseus said, standing up from the floor. "I'm just enjoying my breakfast."

* * * * *

The moment everyone had been waiting for had arrived. The final match of the tournament was at hand. Of all who had the privilege to compete in this year's Vytal Festival, only one would be crowned ultimate victor.

"Folks," Tai began, "we bring you back, live, to the Amity Colosseum, where the final battle of the Vytal Festival Tournament is about to begin! Every single one of our competitors so far has shown incredible talent and I think we can all rest knowing that the future of Remnant is in the very capable hands of these Huntsmen-to-be! But, unfortunately, only one can be crowned as this year's champion. Will it be the prodigy princess from Atlas? Or will the Golden Girl of Vale take the top spot? Stay tuned, everybody! We're only minutes away from finding out!"

* * * * *

Ivory stood in front of the arena doors, taking a deep breath and holding it for a moment before letting it out slowly. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for. Team IVRY had been undefeated for the last three years, a feat no other team has ever achieved. Team APEX also held a perfect record, but with only one school year under their belt, they were still a long way away from toppling Team IVRY's record.

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