You Deserve (trilogy to Why cant i hate you )

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Nobodys POV

Chres & Yn: still together and happier then they've ever been before. With now 11 year old Corahn, 9 year old Micah, and 6 year old Miyanni. They stand clear of Milan not letting what happened go but they do still communicate with the kids. and since all the other kids have moved out they have family dinners and outings occasionally.

Lorenz: now 26 and married to Crystal for the last 4 years. they still only have 3 kids Talias 9 almost 10, Navadious 7, Cardiea 6 . they have a pretty strong relationship they have there moments but they stick together on everything so for the most part they're happy with there family. Lorenz owns a barber shop/hair salon that he runs with Crystal, and its going well for them.

Chase: now 23, no longer with Niah so he says, but they do live together still with there newborn baby girl Chassis she's too cute for her own good. he got control over his disorders but they're are times where he just gets mad and goes complete haywire but Niah loves him for him and puts up with it.

Khalid: now 22, engaged to Jaraya they still only have Keyon who's now 5, who still is a mirror of Khalid even though not biologically his child. Khalid and Jaraya have tried having kids multiple times but Jaraya can't hold the baby no longer then 3 months and it terminates. the longest she's held a baby was 5 months and due to trauma to the wound she lost it. Khalid is deeply in love with Jaraya and vise versa, even with all the stress of the miscarriages they don't stray away from each other they move on from it and just push on.

Kaevon: also 22, unwillingly married Vinny, constantly abused by him. she has only Kemoni who's 6, only because she doesn't want to be with Vinny at all. She talks to Yn, jaemoni and the younger ones from time to time. But Khalid, Chres, and Lorenz she still holds a crud he over them. Chres for whooping her ass, Khalid for slapping her and telling her parents, and Lorenz for going against what she said and making Vinny hit on her even more then he already did. for 5 years she's been forced into this marriage she can't get out of and she won't tell Yn what Vinny doing even though she wants out.

Jaemoni: 20, on and off with Aja for the longest now, she's 2 months pregnant. its so evident they love each other but being together don't work that well for them. they're just like Chres and Yn in a way

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