chapter 37• You Fucked Up Now.

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this year we're not having a regular Thanksgiving we're having Thanksgiving dinner tonight at my dads. then Thursday - Monday we'll have a family vacation in Hawaii.

??: MOMMA!




Jaemoni, Kirk, & Juel. I was making deviled eggs and peach cobbler for dinner.

Juel: bitch move! *runs in kitchen picking me up and hugging me* I missed you auntie.

me: *kisses His cheek* I missed you to baby now put me down.

Kirk: get off my sister fool.

Juel: just cause you my uncle don't mean shit I'm still older.

Jaemoni: where Goldie ma?

me: she's on her way.


me: there she is. KITCHEN.

Goldie: hey sissy.

she hugs me and I don't hug her back I look at her and cross my arms.

me: so when was you go tell me you and Booby was having a baby?

Goldie: tonight.

me: how far are you?

Goldie: 2 months and 1 week.

she was pretty big for only 2 months her belly was round so you could tell she was pregnant. Daniel came in the kitchen with Goldie's black Gucci tote bag.

Kirk: nice bag Daniel.

Daniel: don't start with me Kirkland.

Lorenz & Raquel come in the kitchen Lorenz was carrying a sleeping Talia. I put my arms out and Lorenz put her in my arms kissing my forehead. I tickled her and she woke up giggling. I noticed Lorenz rubbing on Raquels stomach. my peep game strong y'all.


Kevin: Lorenz! boy what the hell wrong with you and all this damn moving?

we all busted out laughing except him and Raquel was trying not to laugh.

Jaemoni: momma tore that ass up.

Cassie: what you do renz?

Lorenz: Raquels pregnant again.

Kevin: you whooped his grown ass cause he got Raquel pregnant again?

me: yup he don't need another baby right now.

Goldie: can I ask what everybody's been wondering?

us: go for it.

Goldie: why the hell is Chres mugging and not talking?

me: don't ask that.

Chase: dad not getting no play?

Goldie: Chressy boo.

Chres just stared blankly at Goldie then went back to eating his piece of Sweet Potato pie. I laid my head on his chest snuggling into him he wrapped his arm around me. Miyanni climbed into her daddys lap laying her head on his chest. I knew what was wrong with him we talked about it this morning and he's barely talked since.

me: well dad we gotta get going we leave at 6:30 and lord knows my kids don't like early mornings.

everyone said there goodbyes and all my children and grand kids came home with us. showered and went to bed. me and Chres were still up he had his head in my lap and I was playing with his baby curls.

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