With all due respect, shut the fuck up. Happy Dami?

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When they arrived at the dinning area, the tension was utterly thick.

Damian sat across Dick while Jon was seated beside Damian, facing Jason. Beside Jon was Tim and at the head was Bruce. Alfred watched the drama in the shadows.

They started eating in silence, throwing glares and glances with each other. Jon's teeth were clattering because Jason had been staring at him with intensity while stabbing his steak. Bruce breaks the silence with a straight forward question.

"So...Jon? Are your parents helping you settle in the penthouse?"

Jon blinks, "Oh! Uhm yes, Mr. Wayne. I furnished our room already along with the kitchen. Damian said that the living room is his domain." He chuckles awkwardly and returns his gaze to Jason, who was currently dumbfounded.

Tim lets his fork clatter, Dick winces, Bruce let out a huff, Damian scoffs and Jason rose up.

"Okay hold the fuck up little douche." Jason points at Jon.

"You're saying that you're furnishing a house where you and" he points at Damian "the demon spawn will be living? Together?"

He bods hesitantly. "Yes?"

"Is that a motherfucking question or an answer" Tim growls beside Jon.

"Language Master Timothy."

"Sorry Alfie"

"Tim yes, Damian and I will be living together next week in Metropolis"

After Jon said that...All hell broke loose

Jason scolds Bruce about letting Damian stay with a horny child while Dick is trying to calm him down. Timothy, on the other hand, is straight up trying to kill Jonathan with a kryptonite batarang. Damian had to intervene with the commotion. As much as he wants to indulge in his salad, he needs to keep his pal alive.

"Master Bruce, I thought you will deliver the news...properly."

"Alfred, the kid was gullible and I want drama and entertainment."

Alfred gives Bruce a stern glare, soon he gives up.


Bruce slams his hands on the table and everyone shuts up.

"Okay listen up kiddos" He receives a glare from Todd.

"Damian, Jon and I have decided that they will live together at Metropolis-" Tim tries to reason out but Bruce held up his hand.

"Damian will still be handling his job, Jon is enrolling to a new school, Damian can cook, Jon can clean and both of them won't try to kill each other for every five minutes"

The Wayne brothers were glaring at Bruce for taking away their baby bat. Even though they don't show it so often, they love the brat.

"Don't worry brothers. I gave my full consent on this matter. On the bright side, there's one less brat in the manor right?" Damian shrugs.

Dick stood up and gasps, "DAMIAN WAYNE KENT-"


"You shouldn't think that you are a burden to this family! None of us are burdens and crosses to each other. We are always here for you, we love you and we just want whats good for you! And this decision may affect your whole life. Are you sure about this?"

Now everyone's eyes were on him. Jason was frowning a bit and Tim has a soft expression on his face.

Damian gulps, "Grayson, I can handle it. I...I appreciate all your concerns but I'm ready to fly on my own, well with Jonathan actually."

Tim nods, "Okay, if this is what you want Demon Brat."

But Jason sneers,"Do you actually think that you can handle it? Damian...Motherfucking Damian Wayne, it may be Metropolis and not Gotham but the adult life is dangerous plus being a hero too. What if-" he rambled for a good three minutes and Damian was already having a headache.

Jonathan watches the scene unfold, he decides he needs to have a say on this.

"With all due respect, shut the fuck up. Happy Dami?" Jon snaps.

Jason surprisingly closes his mouth.

"I know you're all concerned for Damian and I promise you he will be safe. I'll die for him and will keep him stable. We just need your trust and faith on us. We need you, Damian needs you! But we need our space, our own adventures without our training wheels. I gave this speech to Connor too, he acted harshly and was like Jason but he finally understood what needs to be done. Now brothers of Damian Wayne Ke-"

Damian elbows his ribs.

"Sorry, just joking D. As I was saying, brothers of Damian Wayne, will you grant me permission to protect and take care of your youngest brother as we live with each other on the expensive penthouse Mr. Wayne bought for us?"

The big robin bros gathered and discussed with each other. Sometimes one of them glares at Jon.

"Cmon this is ridiculous guys." Damian groans.

They dispersed and had made up a decision,

"Yes, we will allow it-" Dick stated.


"But we get to have visiting rights all the time" Tim continued.

"And we get to spent some patrol nights with you" Jason adds?

Jon beams with happiness while Damian has a mopey frown.

"What? Did we took some time of your bonding with Jon?" Jason jokes.

"Abso-fucking-lutely Todd"

"Damian!! Stop saying bad words."

"Try me bitch"

Jon sighs in defeat while the jolly chaos of the brothers ensures. Bruce gave Jon a appreciative smile and he return it. Alfred gave him a thumbs up and he grinned cheekily. Maybe being included in the batfamily sometimes isn't so bad.

"I hate this dysfunctional family?!"

"Cmon little D! We know you love us."

"Get over it Demon Spawn, brothers are made to make your life a living hell."

"Suck on that you little shit"

"Master Jason"

"What? And they can get away?!"

Jon smiles, "yeah this is perfect" he thought

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