Old story

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Remember that thing I said 2 chapters ago? About my first story

Well I'm gonna do that now

Well I'm gonna do that now

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That's the cover😂

Translated: The treasure of the Egyptian

Alright so I forgot what I named the main character, something like Mari

Not Marinette

More like Mariana


But I do remember that I made myself and my friends side characters...

And this part is just hilarious bcs of how bad it is

Alright so it starts of with Mari yelling that the sword (the treasure, bcs swords are amazing) is gone

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Alright so it starts of with Mari yelling that the sword (the treasure, bcs swords are amazing) is gone

The next sentence, is just weird and I had to think for a while what I meant, but I think I figured it out

'Everybody was shocked and some even started digging'

The digging part: I think that was meant to be that the kiddos thought that the sword might have been buried (?idk) and that they started searching for it


Alright, but that wasn't the worst part

So, they were in Egypt somewhere in a desert

Suddenly, two cheetahs just appeared


Alright let me translate:


"I speak cheetah, Me said

Didn't you already speak lion and tiger? Asked Friend

Yes, but also cheetah.

Wow, I said (I is Mari)

We need to follow them. Said Me

We followed the cheetahs and saw a man

THAT'S OUR SWORD, her Friend (it's a spelling mistake, instead of 'zei' which means 'said', 'zij' which means 'her'... it's filled with mistakes)

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