Chapter 4

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Louis busts in, walking rather quickly, his dressers and helpers all following in beside him. "Where IS HE?!" Louis shouted. "Ah, welcome back-" "Youre precious patron, WHERE IS HE?!" The diva shouted once more. "What is it now?" Harry answered, looking at Louis.

"I have a letter - a letter which I rather resent!" He seathes in anger. "And did you send it?" grimmy asked Harry. "Of course not!" Harry protests.

"As if he would!" Grimmy said.

"You didn't send it?" Louis asked again.

"Of course not!"

  "What's going on?" Grimmy asks. "You dare to tell me that this is not the letter you sent?" Louis says waving around the letter around in the Patron's face. "And what is it that I'm ment to have sent?" Carlotta gave the letter to Harry and he opened it reading it aloud. 

"You days at the Opera Populaire are numbered. Niall Horan will be singing in your behalf tonight-"

"Niall Horan!" Louis hisses.

"Be prepared for a great misfortune should you attempt to take her place." 

"Far too many notes for my taste, and most of them are about Niall, all we've heard since we've came is Mister Horan's name-"

"Monsieur Niall has returned." Madame Karen and Liam had walked up together and everyone looked at them.

"I hope no worse for wear so far as we're concerned?" Ed says. "Where precisely is he now?" Grimmy asked.

"I thought it best he was alone." Madame Karen walked up to them. "He needed rest." Liam adds.

"May I see him?" Harry asked. "No, Monsieur, he will see no one."

"Will he sing? Will he sing?"

"Here, I have a note." Karen had yet another letter, sent from The Phantom.

"Let me see it, let me see it!" They all shout, But Ed raised his hand. "Please." Ed asked, the rest of them all grew quiet when Karen gave them the letter beginning to read it.

"Gentlemen, I have now sent you multiple notes of the most amiable nature, detailing how my theater should be run! You have not followed my instructions, I shall give you one last chance. Niall Horan has returned to you, and I am anxious his career should progress. In the new production of 'Il Muto", you will threrfore cast Louis... as the Pageboy, and put Mister Horan in the role of the Count. The role which Mister Horan plays calls for charm and appeal. The role of the Pageboy is silent, which makes my casting in a word, ideal. I shall watch the performance from my normal seat in Box Five, which will be kept empty for me. Should these commands be ignored, a disaster beyond you inaginations will occur. I remain, gentlemen, your obedient servent. O.G."

-"Niall!" Louis shouted angrily.

-"Whatever next?"

-"It's all a ploy to help Niall!"

"This is insane!" Ed said. "I know who sent this - The Vicompte - Niall's lover!" Louis shouted, making harry looked at her his eyes blown wide. "Indeed! Can you believe this?" Harry looked at Louis and frowned deeply at Louis accusation. 

-"Signor!" Grimmy pleaded.

-"The vicompte!" Louis growled.

-"Signor!" Grimmy pleads once again.

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