Chapter 5

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Everyone around in their seats looked around and was instantly startled by the sudden deep andechoed voice. "It's him, the Phantom of the Opera!" Liam said standikng right next to Niall of course,Niall was a shocked yet giddy mess. "It's him..." Niall spoke his thoughts aloud, Louis's eyes narrow."Your part is SILENT, little toad!" He seethed at him. Phantom looked down at them all hearing Louis' remark.

"A toad ,Monsieur? Perhaps it is YOU who are the toad..." He growled, his voice loud andbooming around the the theater once again. Louis had rolled his eyes and went to the side of the stage and had one of his assistants spray some sort of liquid to help keep his throat well clear and lubricated."Josh, the beginning, please..." He says patting down his costume. "Serefimo, away with this pretense! You cannot speak! But kiss me in my-CRRROOOOOAAAAAKKKK!" The whole cast and crowd jumped in sudden surprise then beginning to laugh at Louis. He had looked around the theater and at Josh once again and motioned him to replay the song once again. 

 "Poor fool he makes me laugh, ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha-CROAAK! CROAKKK! CROOOAAAAKKK!"  The diva's voice rang throughout the whole theater, making the Phantom smirk. He was completely  satisfied with himself, only to be then growing cold with anger the next. He saw Paul watching and staring at Niall with lustful eyes. And Phantom wasn't enjoying what he was seeing. "Next on my list..." He growls lowly to himself, then grabbing a spare noose from the rafters "Is you..." 

Meanwhile, as the crowd kept bursting throughout the theater with chuckles and cackling, the dancers quickly dispersed off of the stage as Ed and Nick took the stage. "Uhm, Ladies and gentleman!" Ed shouts, "The uh-performance will go as planned and-and-" The nervous red headed brit looked towards Nick in a bit of fright. "Uh, in the mean time, we will be skipping to the ballet of act 3. And the count, shall be played in Louis' place by Monsieur Horan!" Niall had looked over at both of the new managers and his eyes went wide.

Nick and Ed quickly motioned the boy over, and Niall had given the quite large numbered crowd a gentle smile before he had been scooted away to be dressed into Louis' clothing from before. "Li, things are looking up!" He says softly, as Liam fixes his costume in he back. "They are, aren't they?" The boy smiled back at him. 

They are indeed. 

The Phantom looked over at Paul with a small grumble once the ballet had started. Paul looked around for the man, knowing that he was already being watched by him. "Wanting to look at my Angel of Music?" Phantom mumbled, "Please, S-Sir! I-I didn't mean any har-" In an instant, before the man could react, Phantom wrapped the noose tightly around the man's neck; causing Paul to stumble on one of the wooden pallet strung tightly from the top of the theater.

Phantom tightened the noose quickly around his neck even more, before Paul could react. His face soon turned purple, and eyes completely bloodshot."You want a show? I'll give you all one you will never forget." He masked man says, tying the rope to the noose to one of the railings and kicked the lifeless body off the hanging pallet. Paul's body dangled above the dancers, a few feet from the stage causing many people in the crowd as well as the ballerinas to shriek and scream stricken with horror. 


SO OMG I UPDATED!!! YAAAAY! I'm sorry for not updating, there has been a lot of school shit involved and yeah omg ENJOY THIS CHAPTER! This part of the musical has to be my favorite  AND AHH yeah so enjoy! comment, vote, and add my story to your reading list, or favorites!!!





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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