/ / 3. A SOFT SOUND / /

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A sudden adrenaline rush took over as Ellie followed Matty through the crowd, her heart raced rapidly and her eyes wandered in every direction.

"Where are we going?!" She called out over the bustling streets of noise and traffic.

"Somewhere where we wont bump into the guys." Matty said, grabbing her hand firmly as he pulled her into a darkened alley way. "Do you have an ID?"

She shook her head quickly, looking around and growing nervous. She had never actually been in one of these alleys before. Only seen them in TV and even then they looked just as scary as this one. The street glistened from past rain and there was writing and graffiti all over the brick walls.

"So how are we supposed to do anything? Do you have a fake one?"

"At home." She said softly, "I didn't think we'd be getting into anything...well, me and you. I just thought I'd be-"

"Following Alex around, right." He finished, "can I have another cigarette, do you mind?" He knew it wasn't a good idea, being with Ellie. Though he was starved of thrills...and with the city dictating all the people they'd be around, he found it adventurous. He wouldn't dare tell her that...she wouldn't get what he meant, and probably take offense.

Ellie looked at him, she didn't understand how he could smoke so much in such a short period of time. He zipped up his jacket and looked down the way to make sure they were completely alone.

She pulled the pack out of her purse and handed it over to him with fingers so cold, they felt as though they'd fall right off as they stung.

"You can have them." She said, hugging herself tightly.

"Oh, thanks." He said, observing her as he pulled one out, "maybe I should just take you home then."

"I told you I don't want to go home until I'm drunk." She said, looking up at him.

He lit the cigarette and took a few puffs before responding, pacing back and forth and keeping an eye out for anything sketchy down the way.

"So you want me to buy you a drink? Or two, or three?" He smirked, Ellie nodded, laughing under her breath.

"As long as you don't tell anyone you were with me, alright." He said, rather than asked.

She grinned and nodded again, watching him inhale the smoke as he took a few more puffs and tossed the remainder of the cigarette.

Her phone rang in her pocket, her heart raced as she pulled it out, Alex.

"What is it?" Matty asked.

"It's my brother." She said hesitantly, ignoring the call.

"No don't ignore it, then he'll think you're lost. Tell him you're...going...I don't know," he searched for an excuse, "to a friends house, you're mad at him for giving you a scare up there on the roof." He said.

"I don't have friends, except Holly and my ex-"

"Say him."


"Sure why not, your brother doesn't know you've broken up does he?"

Ellie shook her head, feeling suddenly wild for being so incognito with only the man she had had a crush on for the past five or so years. She dialed him back and held the phone to her ear, listening to the ring.

"Where are you?!" Alex's voice sounded over the same noisy crowd.

"I'm going to Andrew's." She looked up at Matty, who nodded as she spoke in assurance.

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