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The phone rang constantly as Ellie made her way up, zipping Matty's pants back for him, as he laid there on the bed in satisfaction. She sighed and reached for her phone, looking at it.

"What's the matter?" He asked, seeing her face.

"Its Andrew." She said slowly.

"Oh..." He said, "I forgot about him."

Me too, Ellie thought. She ignored the call and sat the phone on the opposite side of the bed.

"This is the millionth time you've ignored his call, doesn't he get worried?" Matty laughed.

Ellie shrugged, "he probably doesn't care." She ran her hand down his chest and stomach, kissing him softly. He kissed her back, softly. Before pulling away at a thought in his mind.

"Then why don't you just break up with him?" He asked.

Ellie shook her head, kissing him some more to avoid the conversation.

"Ah!" Matty clutched her wrist as her hand went over the area she'd patched up for him.

"I'm sorry, it still hurts?" She asked, moving her hand and climbing on top of him.

He nodded, holding onto it carefully, "its alright."

She left gentle kisses along his neck, feeling his hands move slyly against her ass.

She paused, still thinking about his stomach. "Matty, I'd still like you to see a doctor...sometime soon." She sat up, looking down at him.

"Its only been a few hours, I'm sure the pain will ease in a couple days. Besides, I'd still like you to break up with your boyfriend, sometimes we don't get what we want." He smirked.

"But this is about your life." She said.

"My life isn't worth living if I can't have you to my self." He said. It was merely a remark to piss her off.

Ellie climbed off of him and got onto her feet.

"What?" He asked.

"Are you telling me if I don't break up with Andrew, you wont go to the hospital because you want to die as a way to punish me?" She snapped.

Matty chuckled, amused at her reaction. "Its just a joke, Ellie."

"Well its not funny." She said, pushing her hair out of her face.

He sighed, rolling his eyes before closing them as he leaned his head back against the pillow.

"Matty I really care about you, and it seems more than you even care about yourself. And then you make jokes like these and act like I'm a fool for wanting you to be helped by a professional...you think you can live like this? You think you're okay?" She asked.

"If I feel fine, I'm fine. Now can you just stop nagging me?" He said peacefully from the bed. It was as if nothing she said went through to him. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, tuning in for the news.

The robbery being the very first topic. Ellie sat back down beside him, watching also.

"Two masked, one clearly female and the other male."

Ellie turned to Matty, kissing him on the cheek. She didn't know why, she just did. He looked at her and ran his finger against her cheek softly.

"Neither can be identified although both dressed in all black and male with a side of his head shaved."

Matty laughed, so did Ellie, "I'm not the only one in this city with a side of my head shaved, in fact I have two sides." He sat up and turned the TV off.


Ellie walked through the front door, the house feeling bare without Alex and all his noise. Her parents sat at the coffee table, confusion and fear upon their faces.

"Hey." Ellie said, trying to figure them out.

"Where have you been the past few days? Why do you smell like that?" Her mother snapped.

She sat down on the couch opposite them, ignoring the first question, "like what?"

"An ash tray." Her dad answered.

She shrugged and rubbed her nose as it burned a bit.

"We checked our bank account and there was more money than we've ever had on there in our entire time banking." Her father sighed as he spoke.

"We called and everything, they said it was deposited by a young lady by the name of Ellie Moore." She looked at Ellie with a stern face.

Ellie leaned over, resting her elbows on her knees and pushing her messy hair aside.

"Ellie where did you get that kind of money?"

She didn't say anything.

"If it was fraud we'll figure it out and turn them in, was it actually you?" Her father added in.

Ellie sighed and turned to them, "it was me, yeah." She shrugged, "I've been saving it, for years. You guys didn't know because I didn't tell you-"

"You're a liar. THAT much money, Ellie?"

"Yes..." She hoped they couldn't see through the lies too far, she didn't look at them at all, just to be more convincing for her own self. "It was money for my future..."

"What future? You're a mess-"

"Exactly, goodness." She stood up and made her way upstairs, her parents didn't appreciate anything, and always downed her. "Its to pay you back everything I owe. For university, which I quit. And for Alex. Even though its actually not my fault but you wasted the money to spend on his damages, on my education." She continued on her way and slammed the door.

She couldn't take the pressure anymore. Every single moment she spent in the presence of her parents she wanted to die. She kicked a pile of clothes from the corner, taking out her phone and calling Matty.

The phone rang continuously, please pick up, please pick up, please. She whispered to herself. He finally answered, clearly over a mouthful of smoke he was in the process of exhaling.

"Matty this is gonna sound...crazy but...could I come back over? Just a little while? A couple days...my parents are too much right now, everything they do, everything they say...its too much."

Matty sighed, she didn't know if it was because he was tired of her or he just didn't want her staying at his house because of Alex and all.

"How many days?" He asked.

"I don't know...until all this is over."

There was a second sigh from Matty, she waited as she could tell he was taking another puff of a cig, "alright...alright but make sure your parents don't know you're here...this is the only private place I have...and we don't need them suspecting anything especially, they know parents also."

"I'll make sure." Ellie said, grabbing a duffle bag and getting ready to pack.

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