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Sorry for not updating since like...idk I feel like it's been a year whoops. I'm still totally into voltron, it's just hard for me to write x readers when I just wanna write about some of my ships haha. Maybe I'll get back to this story at one point.

I'd really like to point out one thing tho that's been kind of uncomfortable for me. So I've been getting a few messages about Shiro ships for some reason. And whoop-dee-doo: I'm an anti. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

So, yes I'm putting that out there so please please PLEASE do not try to talk to me about Shaladin. It's super uncomfortable for me and I do try to educate people to shift their views against it, however I do not insult or attack people, so in turn, please do not insult or attack me. I'm not a "chill anti who doesn't care." I do care; I'm just not one who enjoys dealing with controversy and I try to be mature about explaining my views on the situation.

But if you DO wanna talk to me about ships...bring on that Klance, Hance, Heith, Allurance, Klunk, Shayllura, Hunay, Hunayllura, Hallura, and a couple others I'm forgetting rn.

Prob gonna lose readers for saying I'm anti shaladin, but whatever lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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