Part 35

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Darkness. It's all I saw. Not one little shred of light. Is this hell? It sure isn't heaven because all I could feel was pain. Wait. What was that? It sounded like voices, muffled voices. Like you were hearing them from a static radio station or static TV. Unclear. Maybe if I just... 

Ah and there it was the voices clearer. 

"What do you mean you medically put my daughter in a coma?" I heard a high shrill voice. Mom? 

What was she talking about coma? I'm dead, gone straight to hell for killing myself. She shouldn't be here? How could I hear her voice if I was gone? Am I imagining them? 

"I'm sorry Mrs. Spencer. But we had to do it. When she woke up she was screaming and thrashing around. We had to, if not she could have hurt herself. Her brain just shut off after she saw her sister. When she's ready she will come out of it, her brain has to heal. She's been through so many traumas. A cut like those should have killed her, she just needs time." A deep voice said. 

And then I heard crying and soft words being mumbled until the sound of a door opening and shutting echoed in the room. Then all was silent once more. 

So I'm not dead? I'm just at the hospital in a coma? And the only way to get out of it was by healing myself? That should be easy. All I had to do was wake up, open my eyes. I could do this. 

I concentrated hard on my eyes, willing them to open. But no matter how hard I shouted at them to open they wouldn't budge. Growing panicked my breathing hitched, the sound of a monitor going off caused the door to be opened and frantic footsteps reached me. 

"What is going on? What's happening?" A voice said. A familiar deep rich voice said. Marc. 

"You have to leave the room young man. I'm sorry." A girl's voice said. 

"Like hell I will!" He said angrily. "Why is the machine doing that?" 

A heard a womanly sigh and a few buttons pressed. "Her heart rate increased. It could be from anything, a dream, memory, anything. When you are in a coma your brain goes in on itself, either working through something or causing you to dream. And sometimes the dreams can be bad, making the condition worsen. But sometimes it helps; it works through a problem that made her like this in the first place. Sometimes talking to her will help, she can hear us." The woman said. 

"How long will she be like this?" Marc asked. 

"Oh honey, it could take hours to weeks. It all depends on her; as long as she doesn't force herself too much right now she will grow stronger. She held on pretty well during the blood transfusion, she'll make it through this." The women said. "Now, visiting hours will be over within an hour. I'll give you your time." She said and I heard her soft footsteps walk out the door and gently closed it. 

I heard Marc sigh and move around. Sitting down maybe? I didn't know since my eyes wouldn't open! A smooth hand fell on top of mine and I felt my heartbeat pick up lightly. I heard his intake of breath. 

"Taylor? Do you know I'm here?" He whispered.  

I so badly wanted to answer him but my mouth wouldn't open, my throat seemed to close up around the words. 

"It's ok; the nurse told me you could hear me. I need you to wake up, these past four hours has been killing me. I need you to wake up, so I can hold you again. I'm sorry I wasn't there, gosh do you know how guilty I feel?" I heard him sigh and a little shift on the bed. 

My heart went out to him. I didn't want him to feel that way, he shouldn't feel that way. 

"I should have noticed something was wrong when you walked into homeroom. And Trinity... I wasn't there to protect you from her. I was too worried about my big game, I feel so stupid." His voice wavered. 

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