Chapter 4

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I walk into the house panting, "hey mum. Hey dad", I pant. "Hey sweetie. We are having guests over tonight so be ready in half an hour. Ok",mum says raising an eyebrow. "Ok", i say and run up the stairs. I strip off my clothes and stand in the warm shower replaying todays events. Rhea found her mate
. Her mate is alpha Nathan. I got kidnapped by Nathan and the green eyed sexy boy is my mate. Ok that is alot to process in one day. I got my Loofah and scrubbed my body to get rid of the dirt on my skin. Ouch! I yell as i brush the loofah over my arm where Nathan had tied my arms together. I look down to see a red and purple swollen mark all around my arm. Damn Nathan. I turn off the water and wrap a white fluffy towel around my body and make my way to my bedroom.

What should i wear tonight. My mum was wearing her long black fancy dress and my dad was wearing a suit so this is an important dinner. I pull out a dark green spaghetti strap dress and place it over my body and look in the mirror. I frown when i see my red swollen mark showing. I need a long sleeve dress. I rummage through my closet and find a red v neck tight dress and try it on. It hugs my curves and makes me look sexy. I apply some quick makeup and run downstairs to put on some black heels. The doorbell rings as i walk to the kitchen. Just in time.

The door opens and i am greeted by the famous marcus velentino. The most powerful warlock yet and his son Sebastian velentino. The second most powerful sorceror in history. "Welcome. Come in", my mum says cheerfully. "Marcus you remember my husband calder and——", my mum is cut off as Marcus speaks, "this must be your daughter Emma", Marcus smiles impressed. It is probably just the dress. His son grins at me clearly checking me out and to be honest i didn't mind, he is hot. His messy black hair and dark blue eyes and that jawline and he look so hot in a tux. "It is so nice to finally meet you Sophie", Justin says extending his hand. I put my hand in his and he gently kisses the back of my hand sending tingles through my body. Dinner will be interesting.

We laughed and talked for hours. I didn't even know my mum's friends were this fun. I mostly talked to Justin the whole night. He did flirt with me some of the night and my parents didn't seem fazed by it at all or they just didn't notice. "I'm glad you two are getting along", Marcus smiles directing his attention to Justin and me. "I'm surprised just as much as you are dad", Justin laughs. Wait why would he be suprised we haven't even met before. What did they think i was going to act like. I glance at my parents who have stopped talking and are staring down at their food. Something is off about this dinner.

"Why would you be suprised, we have never met before tonight", I say confused. Justin and Marcus both look at my parents who are avoiding eye contact with everyone especially me. "You didn't tell her did you", Marcus says irritated. "Wait, what she doesn't know", Justin gasps. "I am deeply sorry, we were going to but we have been preoccupied", my mum apologises. "Tell me what. What is going on!", I yell as I slam my fists on the table. My mum flinches then looks at me directly. "Sweetie can i talk to you outside please", my mum says calmly. I stand up and walk out the door, my heels clicking against the tiles as i sit on the outside porch. My mum follows me out and sits next to me. "Um ok so Marcus is the leader of all magic and he rules over all witches and warlocks including me and his son has been practising magic for 20 years since he was born and i know he is 3 years older than you but he has chosen you to be his wife and rule with him", my mum states. "Wait do you mean marry him?" I question her. "Yes", she whispers. "Wh-why me", I mumble biting back tears. " there is a tradition when a royal turns 20 he must cast a spell to find his future wife and it showed him you", my mum says figeting with her hands. "No that is forced marriage!" I yell. "You don't have a choice he rules over all witches that includes you. There is nothing we can do about it!"She yells tears now streaming down her face. " but I'm a half breed", I say matter of factly. "It doesn't matter as long as part of you has magic he owns you", she cries. I wrap my arms around her, hugging tightly. "There is nothing we can do", she muffles in my chest. "That won't stop me from trying", I whisper.

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