Chapter 5

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"Emma!" My mum yells as i bolt into the forest that lurks in our front yard. I hear the front door open and Justin say "don't worry i will get her back". I would like to see you fucking try prick. I dissapear into the trees away from view  as slam my face into a rock hard chest. "Fuck", I whisper loudly. "Hello little mate", Mason's husky voice whispers. His eyes are glowing bright red, the colour of an alpha. Great, just great this is exactly what I didn't need. "What do you want Mason", I say, biting my lower lip from temptation to not kiss him right now.

"Who are you running from", he questions. Oh boy he did not want to know. "Me", a familiar voice says behind me. Crap Justin is here. He walks besides me and slides his hand around my waist. Mason growls at the gesture and Justin smirks. I grab Justin's hand and twist it around, pushing him off me. "I can see why she is running from you", Mason laughs. "C'mon we're leaving", Justin says grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him back to my house. "No", I scream and I hear Mason growl. I have never been so thankful that Mason is here. "Don't you dare touch my mate", Mason growls. Justin looks at me astonished. "Mate, he is your mate", he asks.

I yank my wrist from him and he raises his arms ready to cast magic. He lowers his arms making me obey him and I fall to my knees desperately trying to get up it's no use he has complete control over me. "You can't fight me Emma you will obey me", he yells. "I said don't touch her", Mason yells. He charges at Justin and raise his claws and swipes at nothing and Justin dissapears then appears behind him. "You're reckless. She is better off in my hands",Justin says calmly. "I am protective of my mate and if you ever harm her again I will show you just how reckless I can be", Mason growls. I didn't realise how much Mason cares for me, how hurt he must have been when I left him earlier today. All he wanted to do is to protect me. Ugh what is wrong with me I can't even fight the temptation. My body goes limp as Justin touches me and holds me in his arms bridal style. Mason goes to attack him again but Justin swiftly snaps his fingers causing a ring of fire around Mason. I gasp as he falls to floor the smoke entering his lungs clouding his oxygen. "Stop you will kill him Justin", I yell. "Calm down he will be fine princess", Justin chuckles.

I see my parents waiting in the front yard with Marcus who's arms are crossed over his chest and is glaring at me. Justin releases me to the floor and I can move my limbs again. My mum is crying into my Dad's chest while Marcus just stands there with pride for his son and disgust towards me. "Emma!" My mum yells and I run into my parents arms cuddling them. Justin clears his throat and says, " I would like to speak to Emma in private please". I stare up at my mum and dad hoping they can help me but they just mouth a sorry and walk back inside with Marcus.

Justin stands a mere inch away from me and I take a step back, he steps forward and I feel as though there is a brick wall stopping me from escaping him. My body starts to shake as his hands rest on my cheeks and his soft lips press against mine. My hands instinctively wrap around his neck as Justin has complete control over my body forcing me to kiss him. Tears stream down my face as I am forced to kiss him back passionately. I feel like I am betraying Mason. I hear a rustle in the bushes and Justin stops kissing me, freeing me from his controlling kiss. I turn and see a large black wolf with red eyes turn and run off into the forest. It was Mason. "Why can't you just leave me alone", I whine to Justin. "Because I feel connected to you somehow. I need you. I need your touch. Your kiss. I crave you so much. It hurts when your with him", he says hurt.

"I just want you to feel the same way about me", he whispers.
"Goodnight", he says and kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight", I whisper lowly.
Just like that he dissapears into the night except I didn't want him to leave, I wanted him to stay.

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